- What things did you try to make that first sale? Share your hustle!
We couldn't believe it but we had our first sale on DAY ONE! Woot! We had posted all our poster hangers on instagram, launched FB and twitter, and put a grand opening promo code online. A nice woman found us through instagram and bought one of our posters for $50. We were filled with so much joy and hope, it was incredible. We sent her a nice thank you note with the purchase.
- What effort do you think ultimately triggered it?
SOCIAL MEDIA for the win
- How much time passed between opening your shop and making that sale?
A bit over 4 hours. Incredible!
- What lessons did you learn from making that first sale?
Social Media can be a powerful thing.
- If you could do it all over, what would you do differently?
We really need to work on our photography. I want to make photos look more "editorialized" instead of iphone quality.
- What is your best piece of advice for new shop owners?
Get out there and be proactive with instagram and social media. Promote your shop on your personal pages too... doesn't hurt!
- What do you think is the best path to follow in order to get that first sale?
Don't give up!
This was our first sale!