We have different tables - heavy wood ones that can convert into trollies, or light plastic folding tables, different sizes, etc. So we'll use the heavy wood trolley tables when we have to pull our goods some distance from our vehicle If we get to drive right up to our spot, or for easy one day shows, that's when we'll use the lighter plastic folding tables.
Whenever possible I get the same size and type of booth (10x10 corner), but we also do smaller shows, and outdoor shows so the displays will be different, or half the size of our regular 10x10 display, depending on the type of show.
Electrical access and quality of light also affects whether we bring lights, or our battery, and how many lights we use.
What I find that helps is to take photos for every show if possible, then you can reference these for upcoming shows to decide what displays, tables, props to bring. Also I have different size Jewellery display frames, and I have the measurements written down if I'm trying to figure out what to bring, and plot it out on graph paper. But photos are even more helpful tool, saves me lots of stress.
Our ongoing display was designed so that we could pre-pin the jewellery to display boards, that pop in and out of display frames, or sit in big display boxes. So if jewellery is pre-pinned, then I can set up much faster, because the "fussy" work has already been done. It is a pain when I have to switch the display from big show to small show, or outdoors to indoors, because then the jewellery has to be repinned on different boards but most of the time I have several similar type shows in a row, so it doesn't happen that often.