Starting today I get this new popup EVERY time I click on a listing from Search, the wording as above.. It always shows a tiny image of the most recent item I favorited.
I tried unfavoriting the item and then it started showing the next item in my favorites list. It's driving me batty.

Are others seeing it too?

Conversation Maker

Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Still happening. I was shopping yesterday and added some items to cart (was browsing the shops other items before checking out). Then started getting nonstop popups so hit save for later on them. Well then they start sending me popups on my favorites. At that point I was done. Went somewhere else. Makes you wonder if the pushiness works on enough people to make up for those it pushes away. 

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Buying supplies here has been especially annoying this year. I have to "save for later" everything I put in the cart because the pop up will literally cover up the price and title of what I'm looking at even if I just pit it in my cart and trying to buy more from the same store.

The pop-up's gone rouge and is out of control!

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

It's popping up every time I open etsy.  It's just an item I looked at once.  I didn't even want it, I was just helping a seller rename it because he had put the wrong name on it. OMG Etsy please stop this or allow us to opt out.  Just because someone looks at something doesn't mean we want to be continously and relentlessly haggled about it.  GOOD GOD!

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

This is OUT OF CONTROL!!! It was even attacking me in an incognito window.

Could someone start a petition or something? I'm so afraid of how many buyers this will drive away, including (especially!) other sellers here!!!

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

The annoyances don't even stop if one buys an item.

I made a purchase.  I've received at least FIVE emails in four days from Etsy..."you made a purchase"; "it will be on the way shortly"; "item is shipped"; "item arrived in your state"; "item has been delivered".

That's at least 2 more than are remotely necessary.  And I bet they're not done yet...I haven't been badgered several times to leave a review.  Yet.

Why anyone shops here at all bewilders me.

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

It is annoying, just like the buy it now popups and review numbers that won't go away. I'm emptying my cart and stopping favoriting items. 

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

This feature is still going strong - so annoying! Please do something about it Etsy!

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Every time I look at something on Etsy, every time I go to edit one of my own listings, there's that annoying as heck pop up to try to get me to buy something from my favorites.

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Like everyone else who posted about this, it's driving me mad!

I deleted the item in the pop-up from my favourites - only for it to be replaced with the next item.

Someone in a post suggested leaving feedback to Etsy, but the first 'question' in feedback had nothing to do with the problem and I couldn't skip to the next without filling this one in, so I refuse to go further.

Please listen up Etsy - I just want to leave my feedback on this problem without filling in a survey! I want this pop-up to go away!

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

It's time we had another survey so we can all add that the pop-ups are not only driving us mad but they seem to be affecting customers too if we have noticed a drop in the favorites amount below listings since this could result in customers not returning to our shop.

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Conversation Maker

Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

I don't know why they don't create a short term "leave Etsy Feedback" for sellers only

And then use AI (one of the few uses I believe AI could be helpful with) to filter the comments into categories and filter out the repeats and then work through like the top 20 issues.

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Crafty Poster

Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

@StitchRoundabout I doubt Etsy will take any notice of what we say about this.

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Hello, Are U Trying to Aggravate & Push Shoppers Away? I Was Working in our Shop Updating items & Well Today I See This irritating Pop-Up is Still Around, it Went away for a few days it's Back! so Guess we're Back in this Ridiculous Test Again. Days Ago I Removed & Un-Favorited items to Get Pop-Up Go Away!

[*Nothing in my Shopping Cart it is Empty - *Not a Favorited item Neither - i Browsed this morning Then this Appear: *Yet Pop-Up Stocks My Every Move, Yep I can X it to go away then Here it Comes Again Over & over!  Don't miss out on an item you've viewed! Only 1 left in stock

*I Have Observed Since This Pop-Up & Wonky Search Results: Our Favs Views-Visits-Shopping-Buying Has Decreased! Suppose This is Why Shoppers Don't Like to Have this Pop-Up in Their Face? Example the Pushy Hovering Stocking Sales Person Bothering your Shopping Experience so they'll Go Shop other Places instead of Here? This Pop-Up is A Big Turn Off for me! i see i'm Not alone.

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Conversation Maker

Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

I am Soooo Over this popup. It makes me want to delete everything & that means I shop elsewhere because I’m not only a personal shopper, I’m also a live theater VP & need to buy for current, as well as, upcoming productions. This means I have SeVeRaL favored items.  It’s seriously ticking me off. 

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

This thread was posted a month ago and I am just now seeing the irritating pop-ups.  I was trying to shop today and finally gave up. I do not like it at all, very negative experience.

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Crafty Poster

Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Yes SO annoying. Makes me not want to favourite anything any more. I did recently favourite an item before buying it and it is no longer available, however the pop up still appears even though Etsy knows it has been sold.  Just $^@*#*% stupid.

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

I stoped adding favourites a long time ago.

 this is what i've had in my listing for quite a while.

''  purchasers / potential purchasers please note that any
invitation to leave feedback , buy a favourited item , leave a review or chose add - ons are generated by Etsy ,
it is nothing to do with me ..
I have no control over this feature. ''

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Yes, I find this SOOooooo irritating and it pops up everytime I look at other pages, it puts me off the item as I getting bombarded with these forced adverts. Etsy some of your ideas are good but some like this is just wrong, please stop it you will chase customers away.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Make it stop, ETSY! Nobody wants this.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

It's so annoying!! I'm going to stop shopping on Etsy if I can't disable that. I googled how to stop it, I added Etsy in settings on google and clicked to disable all pop ups. It didn't work.

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Conversation Maker

Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Yet another Etsy brainfade "feature" which just turns potential buyers away in droves....but Etsy staff are deaf to anything but their own voice. Even when a critical software or other error arises (e.g last year when shops were suddenly placed in other countries) and it is passed along to the help desk, their response will be "thanks for your feedback we will pass along your comment to the graphic design team" - not "we will look at or investigate the issue and get back in contact with you". I cant see how Etsy can survive in the long term. 

Etsy staff all seem to have gone to the same marketing school as well, as there is a sameness to every bizarre feature Etsy introduces. 

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

It is annoying.

I guess it's time to stop adding things to your favorites..

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