At some point, we all need help. Maybe you opened a new shop and don't understand SEO. Ask for help. Or you've had a shop for a long time and don't understand Etsy's new policy change. Ask for help.
The ART Team is about helping each other find success together! Ask for help. And let's be grateful that we can help others
@JaguArtWood Please keep us updated. Your furniture is beautiful and should be in many homes
Thanks so much. I hope to give you good news as soon as possible
Recently I have been having folks visit but not buy as much. Any tips or help looking at the profile is appreciated!
@BambiyArtTherapy Your shop looks beautiful. Right now, it's the start of the holiday shopping season. So, it's all about getting in front of customers. Reminding them to buy gifts. A good place to start is our holiday kick off party at:
Thank you Mike!
Hi everyone, I am Boybata nice to meet you all! I'm a freelance artist from Manila and I recently decided to create an art shop here in Etsy.
I would like to offer my skills to those people want to make their imagination to reality and also of course to showcase my creativity in this platform. I hoping to learn lots of new things here. Thank youu!
By the way support my shop here:
Hello, I have a 1-month store and there are more than 500 clicks. But there is no order. Is this normal, can you help with this?
@GiftandCeramics I just posted something that may help you at:
Nouvelle parmi vous, je viens vous interroger suite à un mail.
Une personne m'a envoyé un mail à 2 reprises. Elle me propose une aide personnelle en tant que débutante.
Pour ce je dois prendre un Rdv sur son calendrier, puis elle me téléphonera pour échanger sur ma boutique.
Est-ce quelque chose qui existe vraiment au sein d'Etsy ?
J'ai des doûtes....
Merci pour vos réponses et bonne journée à tous.
Marianne pour Casa Mima
@CasaMimaCreations Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de ce service d'Etsy. Beaucoup de gens offrent ce service moyennant des frais.
I need help! I am a full time student and part time caregiver. I opened my shop in august this year, hoping for a little extra money. But unfortunately I've wasted money on advertising that hasn't worked. I'm not sure what to do, please give me suggestions.
Hello All,
I have opened my shop few months ago and I have a few sales. I wanted to understand how to increase my sales. Are there any virtual markets where I can enroll? And how do they work.
this team has really helped me increase my views and I am open any suggestions.
Thank you in advance.
@Former_Member @NikolStoreTR
2) Where can I find my customers? Are they on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, elsewhere?
3) How does my artwork help my customers?
Once you know the answers to these questions, you'll know what to do and where.
What are you doing to let people know you exist? I see you're on Instagram. A good place to start getting more attention is our daily game at:
It seems like you're getting a lot of your items put into carts. That's a good thing. It's the first step toward a completed purchase. Have these people contacted you? If so, what have they said? How can we encourage them to buy now?
@AmyHushDesign I encourage you to stick with your goal. More items = more traffic = more sales. And once you reach 150 items, Etsy will boost traffic to your shop.
Also, this is historically a slow time of the year. It tends to pick up again in April. And then the holiday season (October - December) is when the majority of sales happen
Hello ,
I have products that are more beautiful and priced right than their competitors. Can you help me why I can't increase my sales?
I thought I did all my seo work and categories right. But I think there is a problem somewhere. Please help. Your comments are very valuable to me.
hello, when I make a sale, the payment part gives an error, I cannot receive an order because the payment has not been made, I would be grateful if you could help
@boheming Try these solutions. If it doesn't work, contact Etsy:
As a very new but enthusiastic seller, I have some doubts about my titles and photo compositions.
Do you find them clear and attractive?
Thanks so much for the help!
@JallureBijouterie Your shop is set up beautifully.