Message from Mike Kraus via the FB group (Etsy won't let me hyperlink directly to the post, I'm sorry!):
Etsy has banned me from running the Art Team because of sharing their survey about their glitchy New Listing Form. This means:
-No moderation/SPAM removal
-No message/issue replies
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please share this information with other members or the ART Team"
Maybe we can keep the group threads going and morale high while Mike works this out. I hope I'm not stepping on any toes posting tomorrow's game thread but I really love this group and the support has been critical over the past few months and I don't want to see it fade away.
My thread landed in the TEAM ACTIVITY section of the ART TEAM page as only a team captain or mod can post to the main section where Mike's posts usually show up.
Thank you for playing yesterday everyone.
Here is my link for today;