Just getting started with my Etsy Shop and trying to promote it. Regarding the tread that gives directions for “posting and saving the 5 posts before you” by Alison from OnceUponACraft4U, I’m trying to understand what I need to do. Should I save a “product” from the Esty Stores (from the 5 Etsy sellers that posted before me) then past it to “Things I Love” on my Wanelo page, then click the “Favorite” button to make these same Etsy sellers My Favorites on my Etsy Page? I’m not very good at this – any help is appreciated.
Anyone been successful in uploading your feed? - Here are some pages on Wanelo for answers. You can also send them an email for help, which is what I have done about the feed upload.
Also, your Wanelo feed has to be in the right format - RSSXML, ATOMXML, OR TSV. Is there anyway to change our format of our download pics? Otherwise, my products/jewelry will never be found. Any Info?
I just opened up a wanelo account(around 15 days back)I want to upload my feed .It is asking me to do it in .xml format(I am a dinosaur in these matters) if someone could take me by the hand and show me how to do it.I googled it .Some answers I opened ask me to go to a website called LetsEts.com when I open it it is some advertisement and does not let me do anything.Please someone show me(Iam in pre nursery where this is concerned)how it is done also how do i get a url for my .xml feed so I can upload my files in wanelo.It also says it has to be in google shopping format.PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!