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New Member Introduction

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In a few sentences tell everyone who you are, where you are from and what you sell and why you love it.

Be sure to put a link to your shop so everyone can find it easily to see your hard work.

Do not post items, treasuries, outside blogs here in this thread.
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Re: New Member Introduction

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It is wonderful to meet everyone! Be sure to read through all of these great stories, there are some truly amazing people here in this team and I am glad to have you all here.

Be sure to participate in the Daily Trending Threads each day to post your items and wanelo links to promote. I will be sure to favorite your items and help in any way that I can. Remember we are a team and it is important that we work together and help each other out.

Welcome everyone!

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Re: New Member Introduction

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Hi Kids. I am Mandee and I am 20 minutes outside of Cincinnati, in Northern KY. I sell handmade jewelry, magnets, coasters and supplies. This is my full time job after being laid off. I love making things to show someone's own personality. I am not a big fan of the cookie cutter world. I am looking forward to this team and getting to know everyone.

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Re: New Member Introduction

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Hey everyone! I am Joel, I live in Boise, ID. I design and sell custom and pre designed pinback buttons here on etsy. I, like Mandee was layed off and this is now my full time job so my shop means everything to me now. Be sure to stop by and say hi anytime.
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Re: New Member Introduction

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hello Peachy.i sell the most popuplar bracelets and iphone cases
i like my shop.and i like talk to every buyer.
promote wanelo often.hope we can save each other .
we should expand members now.
my bracelet shop :
my wanelo :
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Re: New Member Introduction

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I'm Alli, I'm a nurse from the chicaogland area, I love working with henna and creating henna crafts. I've been playing with henna since I was in high school and started doing henna for others in college and now i've added crafts to my list. I love being able to create pieces that people can display in their homes, offices, or give as unique gifts.
Here is one of the pieces I love from my shop:
Be sure to check out what else I have listed :)
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Re: New Member Introduction

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Hi everyone,
My name is Leila, I work in the wine industry in the East Bay area, CA and am creative during the free time I have left as a stress reliever. I love playing with digital images, enjoy creating jewelry, and have been having fun with paint and journaling. I am currently working on updated and hopefully better pictures of my jewelry and will be listing more soon!
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Re: New Member Introduction

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Hi crew,
I'm Marc and I live in Sydney, Australia. I love digital design and I've been fascinated with the button format for over a I guess it's only natural that these roads have led to opening my Etsy store, selling custom and pre-designed buttons.
Opening this store is something that I've been working towards for over a year now (more because I've been developing my range of designs), and it's about to become my full-time job as my office is being closed in three weeks.
Keep in touch!
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Re: New Member Introduction

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While my shop is currently closed due to an unexpected surgery...its usually a busy little shop full of fun little custom favor bags and baby onesies. I am a nuclear medicine tech part time at a local hospital...a full time mommy to two amazingly busy boys and a part time etsy shop owner. I love designing and have a passion for creating I have not one, but two thriving shops. Stop in and favorite them...I will be reopening soon!!


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Re: New Member Introduction

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Hi I'm Leah,
I started off my journey here by finding Etsy through some "miracle" or something. I had been selling itmes through a free website and was doing ok. However, th thought of strangers coming to my home made me more and more uncomfortable each time. One day I somehow found Etsy and I suppose the rest i History. I think for someone wh has only been on here since Oct, 2012 I am doing fairly well as ar as selling my items. I have already been n 4 treasury lists that I was unaware of until just the other day. I had no idea that I was on any, let alone how I would have found them, again by mistake.

My biggest problems yet to figure out and overcome is to how to better promote my items correctly. Successfully figure out proper postage charges so that when I am selling something any profit is not lost in the postage costs.

I am signed in on FB, but cannot figure out how my site is actually being seen if utilized at all.
It aint easy being "green" : ) I'm having issues :(
Admittedly I do actual learn a lot. Sometimes a bit overwhelmingly so.
Just feeling a bit lost in the crowd, though.

I have a somewhat eclectic shop and am striving to add hopefully soon, some really creative items of my own art. The few things I have put up are not even looked at unless it is payback from another shop owner.
Have been scratching my head a lot and going hmmm...

Since I am so clueless as it is, there is no reason for me not to further express my confusion on how to use this tool as well. I have no idea how to find, let alone post a URL for any of my items on FB or through this site.
As you can see I am in need of help..

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Re: New Member Introduction

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Hi everyone!!
Im a wife, mom of 2 teens/1cat/1 dog/1 hubby. I tend to be a do it yourselfer!! Power tools are awesome!! I have just this past year found a passion for an older craft called locker hooking!! It has consumed my life and been therapeutic since no job since June. I love it!!

Im enjoying being on Etsy. Been here since Sept and only had a handful of sales but im just enjoying the experience and love creating my items!!!

Good luck everyone and best wishes for a happy new year!!!
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Re: New Member Introduction

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Hi everyone! Im from Delhi, India. My shop has a collection of personally selected items that I love and i'm sure everyone else will too!

The reason why i'm on Etsy is because I am taking a sabbatical from work, after a very long sabbatical from life.

I am taking on the heculean task of redoing my entire house. You can read the progress on

I would love to know your thoughts and suggestions too, please! Thanks, and all the best with your shop! :)
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Re: New Member Introduction

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We are from a little town in south eastern Idaho - Blackfoot. We love the little home town feeling.

Brent is the wood carver and I'm trying to help with the online stuff. I am not very good at - feel overwhelmed and trying to do my best to learn as fast as I can. We just started on etsy in December.

We love all the people we have "met". Everyone is so nice and wonderful. It will be great being part of the team.

Also, please send any helpful hints to working on Etsy or other on line outlets - I need all the help I can get. Thanks
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Re: New Member Introduction

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It is wonderful to meet everyone! Be sure to read through all of these great stories, there are some truly amazing people here in this team and I am glad to have you all here.

Be sure to participate in the Daily Trending Threads each day to post your items and wanelo links to promote. I will be sure to favorite your items and help in any way that I can. Remember we are a team and it is important that we work together and help each other out.

Welcome everyone!
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Re: New Member Introduction

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HI! I'm Mitzi in Memphis. I am actually an old member on etsy but just now getting involved after seeing a post on facebook about etsy (I forgot I signed up a couple of years ago!).

I enjoy making needlepoint items (ANYthing needlepoint) and also love to read. I also work full time in Special Education at an elementary school, have a 16 yr old and a husband of 20+ years, and we have a 12 yr old JackRat.

Other than needlepoint & reading I enjoy paranormal investigations from time to time.
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Re: New Member Introduction

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Hi, my name is Jim. I am a Mineralogist from North Idaho. I live in Coeur d'Alene, but my work takes me all around the world. My wife has been on Etsy since very nearly the beginning, and she would frequently see geological specimens which were badly mislabeled that people were trying to sell -- she kept urging me to open a shop here to show people proper mineral specimens, so finally I did.

Come on by and see for yourself! I strive to provide the Etsy community the shop with the finest mineral specimens available, backed by the knowledge of more than 25 years of practical work in the mining industry.

Welcome to NearEarthExploration!
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Re: New Member Introduction

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Hello gang! What a melting pot we have here! I am from Orlando, Florida and have done needlework of some sort since I was about 10 years old. I won't tell how long that is!! haha. My daughter told me about Etsy and suggested I try it out. I am patiently waiting for it take off :-)
I've been married almost 33 years to the same great guy and we have a 25 year old daughter and a 3 year old grandson! My husband is patiently waiting too!
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Re: New Member Introduction

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Hello All! We are Cindy and Ralph, a husband and wife team transforming artwork into pinback buttons.

We are transplants to Oklahoma from Austin TX and Buffalo NY. We originally set up in OK to buy and restore our historic building that was once a hotel and motel. As artisits this was the most exciting creation we could have started. After 14 yrs of hands on tear down and rebuild, someone burned down our dream while we were visiting family out of state on Easter (2011).

We lost our home and art studio, as well as, our home business. After a year and a half my husband and I have begun our creative process again. This time the art is in a different form and we start with baby steps to build life again.

My best friend is an artist and has been on Etsy for many years. She is the one who convinced us to set up shop here. It's a start and so far we are learning our way around without too many stumbles.

Showcasing creativity and viewing others works and success helps us heal and gives us hope that at any age you can start over again! Thanks, we are enjoying this community and the opportunity to share.

Cindy and Ralph
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Re: New Member Introduction

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Hi everyone! My name is Liza I'm a grandma of 21 !!!! Yes 21! I am trying to sell homemade soap all natural....I ve been reading all the ingrients on things and its scary.I think if i would have read them when my children were younger i would have done things different. So im trying now......some of my grandchildren have asthma ,eczema and other problems.....and i dont like all the drugs the doctors give them when there are other natural items that can help.Thats why I'm making soaps, lotions,creams, lip balms and some massage oils trust me they do work!!!!!! Im not very good on promoting my items thats my problem so if anyone can help please do!!!! My computer skills are not so good either nor is my vocabulary........I hope some one will help me .I believe in my products i just need more people to try my on that note HELP!!!!
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Re: New Member Introduction

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My wife actually got me thinking about hair sticks. She has really long hair and all of the women in her church have long hair so my woodturning just naturally lent itself to this vocation. I started by turning wooden chopsticks and painting them with acrylics. Everyone pretty much liked everything I made. While at a penturning exhibition I saw people showcasing homemade acrylic and polyester resin pens and so I started mixing and casting my own designs. Then I joined etsy and hit my first real block. How do I get people to visit my store and like something enough to buy it? I've had some success but am always looking for new ways to increase the traffic to my shop.
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Re: New Member Introduction

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Hello everyone!

My name is Sarah and I live in the New Haven area of Connecticut. I am 25 years old and finishing up my master's degree in social work this May, yayy!! My life is pretty much consumed with papers, internship, working, and last but not least my creating beautiful jewelry and canvas collage items.

I began making jewelry about five years ago but only recently decided to sell it. About a year ago I began creating canvas collage items to display around my new home. After receiving many compliments on them I decided to add them to my shop. Although my life is already completely hectic, I enjoy being able to sit down and just work on making jewelry or a new collage. I find it calming, relaxing, and much better than homework! I hope you enjoy my work!

"Like" me on facebook and I'll return the favor!

Follow me on wanelo too!
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Re: New Member Introduction

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hi, i'm from west virginia and i sell knitted items made with my own unique style. i started my shop in october and just today started a wanelo account to help get the word around about my store. i'm glad to be a part of the team and best of luck with sales to everyone!


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Re: New Member Introduction

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My wanelo:

Full time jeweler of this shop and one more

This is me too:

I spend way to much time on the internet. ;)

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: New Member Introduction

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Hi ALL!! I'm Amber. Currently living in Mtn. Home/Boise Idaho.
My wonderful husband of 7 yrs is a firefighter in the Air Force and we have 2 wonderful kids, our son is 4 and our daughter is 2, and they drive me CRAZYYY!!! (hence the name "Craft Me Crazy") but I love them SOOO MUCH!!
So with my hubby's crazy schedule; the idea of trying to work deal with daycare and keep the kids on a regular schedule is next to impossible. So this is my work / life to "kind of" keep me sane... and of course it still revolves mostly around KIDS!!

I do tons of custom orders for toddler/crib bedding. That is what I focus on most is flannel and cotton sheets sets. I also sew ruffled diaper covers, boutique childrens clothing, accessories, etc. However, I also have to keep up with my crochet and have everything from headbands to dolls.

I have seen several of you around and am looking forward to helping promoting each other to succeed! Hope your New Year is going well so far!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: New Member Introduction

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O and my accts for:

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Re: New Member Introduction

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Hi everyone!

I'm Kay and I'm the owner designer behind Ruby Robin Boutique!

I'm based in the South of Ireland, where I live with my boyfriend on the last 8 years and our four cats, and where I make colorful vintage inspired jewelry in my bedroom/studio to sell here and at my local craft markets and a handful of shops around the city.

I actually studied Nutritional Science for 4 years but there's no work in the area here, especially with the recession hitting us like a brick the year I graduated, but on the plus side the time has allowed me to get back to my creative roots (my family have earned their livings as artists and crafters on my mums side for 5 generations now) and all in all it's become a good thing as I've found something creative and challenging I love to do instead!

I recently left my day job to focus on my craft 100% which I feel very lucky to be able to do.

Anyway looking forward to getting involved with this group as I just joined Wanelo and am hoping to become active on it and here from now on :)

My shop:

My Wanelo page:
Kay xx
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