April is National Poetry Month. I am a big poetry fan and have many pieces in the shop that are inspired by my favorite poems. I will be celebrating by posting a poem a day on the Ciarrai Studios blog (
http://ciarraistudios.wordpress.com/) and by creating some (more) poetry-themed pieces like:
https://www.etsy.com/listing/128122707/tea-with-emily-dickinson-personalized?ref=shop_home_activehttps://www.etsy.com/listing/120829382/among-the-porcelain-prufrock-tea-cup?ref=shop_home_activehttps://www.etsy.com/listing/124558197/pablo-neruda-your-laughter-love-poem?ref=shop_home_active I am also having a store-wide sale. From April 1st to April 30th - take 25% off your order with the coupon code: POETRY13. You can celebrate National Poetry Month, pick up a little treat for yourself or find the perfect Mother’s Day Gift!
For beautiful handcrafted jewelry and knitwear, visit Ciarrai Studios:
On Etsy:
http://www.etsy.com/shop/ciarraistudiosOn our blog:
http://ciarraistudios.wordpress.com/On Facebook: www.facebook.com/ciarraistudios
On Twitter
https://twitter.com/Ciarraistudios On Pinterst:
http://pinterest.com/ciarraistudios/ or subscribe to our monthly newsletter by emailing us at ciarraistudios@gmail.com