My cat Delilah seems to be losing weight daily. She's eating less and less. I tried the Polly Bird and cat **bleep** toys and they don't seem to perk her up. She's pretty lethargic. My husband has been force feeding her this high calorie, nutrient dense gel the vet gave us before her brother died, but I don't think it's helping much. She barely keeps her eyes open most of the time. Thankfully she is drinking water and using the litterbox but so did her brother, up until the end. What more can I say? My husband and I are both extremely sad and are pretty sure that we are going to wake up one morning pretty soon and find her unresponsive. I do believe animals can die of a broken heart. My brother-in-law's dog was hit by a car within a month the other one passed on, no known illness. 

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

claws crossed for you.

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

I'm so nervous! I hope all goes well.

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

We are there with you =] 

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

It's 3:00 PM and the lady is still not here. I last spoke to her 2-1/2 hrs ago. I tried calling her, but got voice mail and couldn't leave a message because I got one of those "this mailbox is full and cannot accept calls at this time" messages. Hubs just tried texting her, no response. I'm really bummed. Why are people such scammers?

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

That's weird. How did she find you? Be careful.

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

are we sure she is not delayed somewhere? is this a person recommended by a vet or the pet store or an ad in the paper or? it makes a big difference. i can't see anything someone could get out of setting up a meet and greet for no reason. give it time? how is the weather? there are many things that can interfere with a person's plans to do something.

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

The weather is gorgeous. 80 degrees and sunny. It's not the weather!

This woman called from a rescue organization (I won't name the organization), I had placed a request for an adoption of a cat from them (via e-mail) and it turned there was a "glitch" in their system and the cat had already been adopted. Then they called me and asked me if I was interested in any particular kinds of cats and they would keep their eye out. I mentioned I would like an orange tabby or a calico, no more than a year old. Really didn't expect to hear from them but the next day (today) I got a call from a woman who said she was going to be in my area and would I like to see a male orange tabby about a year old. I said sure. This was at about 12:30 PM. Been waiting, waiting. I'm starting to think, though, the woman did say she needed to stop off somewhere before she came over here. Wondering if she was showing the cat to somebody else. 

Now it's 3:35 and no catlady!

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

hmm. ok, well, if she is a rescuer i can see her phone messages being too full. and there's a chance something came up either with the cat or others. all you can do is wait and hope things are ok. animal rescuing does not punch a timecard. i'm sorry she is late. hopefully there will be an explanation.

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

My husband and I finally lost patience around 3:45 and decided to go to the second Meet and Greet cat event at Petco.

There were many beautiful cats! We choose a pair of calico sisters and filled out an application. Their names are Katy and Shiloh. The cat rescue lady is suppose to call tommorrow and bring over the cats. There were two ladies and they were both very nice. I may have 2 kitties by tommorrow!

After we left we got a text from the lady with the orange tabby (close to 5:00). She said there had been some sort of energency where a cat had been hit and the cat had crawled under the house and she had been called to rescue the cat. She wanted to arrange another meeting. The whole story seems sketchy, I don't understand why she was called to be the hero and where was the orange cat this whole time? I don't even want to try to figure it out. I don't care. I'm pretty close to getting what I want.

I would feel happier right now, but I'm exhausted!


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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

i'm happy for you on how it turned out and i hope these are the ones. :)

the late rescuer's story is about what i expected. sometimes, especially on a holiday or even just a weekend, you are the only rescuer available, and yes, an injured animal can drive out all thoughts of a potential adoption in a circumstance like that. i do believe she could have been telling you the truth. it is unfortunate she did not call to explain it at the time. i hope the cat that got hit is going to be alright. emergencies always happen at the worst possible times just like difficult litters are always born in the middle of the night. some rescuers are on call at all hours if they are the only one willing or able to rescue.

remember, i lived this. i ate, slept, drank, breathed rescue cats around the clock for years. it becomes where you answer the phone, 'what breed, how old, and what's wrong with it?'

you are much better off doing what you are doing through petco with your situation. i'm sure that will work out much better than waiting for a rescuer who is doing too much at a time. claws crossed all works out very soon. :)

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

My husband did text the cat rescuer back "No problem, no worries, I hope you are OK. Do what you need to do." So he was quite a bit more patient than me. Thank you for the insight into what goes into being a feline rescuer. I have learned a lot. 

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

Well today is another day. My head and stomach feel somewhat better but still lousy. I think I am still depressed. I need to go to work but don't want to. I'll be leaving in about 10 minutes.

What I REALLY want to do is stay in bed, but I know I'm better off going to work and staying busy. I have a lot of stuff that needs to be done.

I might have kitties tonight but I don't want to be too focused on that. I feel I need to stay in the present. 

I am lucky to have a loving, supportive husband. 

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

when, hopefully, you get them, you should start a new, happier thread for that. i'm sure everyone will be happy to hear about it. :)

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

My husband has been waiting all day for this lady. I'm home now. It's 5:29 PM.

Called her, got her voice mail. Left a message.

Good God! Will the waiting ever end? :-(

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

Scratch that! The cats are on their way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

I'm excited for you! Can you post pictures?

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

I'll try............................

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

Well, we have two new cats now! They are actually closer to 2 years, born June 2017, but young enough for me. They are so cute. Katie is sitting on one of the dining room chairs now like a statue, and Shiloh is resting in the litterbox. I know they'll come around. :-) 

This marks the end of this thread. Time to turn a new chapter to life and love.

Thanks everybody for your support.

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

happy for you, psych. post their pics on another thread when you can.

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Re: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Dying

Katie & Shiloh mwah mwah mwah =]  xx

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