Seems to me that we could use a forum area where we can go to support each other during this global emergency. Possibly calm our fears and offer emotional support and share ideas on how we are each coping. If you choose to participate I can only hope that we will all refrain from sharing unfounded/unsupported information and even provide on-line resources/examples that have historically proven honest and sound... such as, for example, the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) etc. Just thinking out loud here. I need to talk about this sometimes and talking with folks around the world who are "like minded" would be so very valuable. 

My current concern is the lack of physical connection to other humans. We are very social animals and when we are truly alone it is crucial that we recognize that the lack of physical contact can be detrimental to our mental and emotional health. This can compromise our physical health too. Oh dear; here I go finding something more to worry about...

Community Curator

Re: Covid-19 Support Community

that's nice, susan. 

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Community Curator

Re: Covid-19 Support Community

some much needed comedy.

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Re: Covid-19 Support Community

First laugh of the day Sil! Thanks so much for sharing. Blessings girl.

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Community Curator

Re: Covid-19 Support Community

glad you liked it, mary. a lot of people are getting creative.

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Re: Covid-19 Support Community

That was wonderful Sil- thank you. I'm sure even Dolly would applaud! @vlmkpyae 

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Re: Covid-19 Support Community

New "normal" comin' 'round the bend… Today we have been visited by previously unseen (near here) wildlife. So far it's just sea gulls and mallard ducks (no lakes nearby). I wonder who or what will come snooping around next?

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Re: Covid-19 Support Community

That's really interesting- I wonder what other animals have emerged with the lack of humans around? 

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Community Curator

Re: Covid-19 Support Community

the e-card site i subscribe to has a free gift. activate this in 30 days and get a free copy.


normally it is a paid activity but they are doing this as their contribution to the lockdown boredom.

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Community Curator

Re: Covid-19 Support Community

@DoceVikaVintage  Good afternoon:

I see you are in Norway.  Can you tell us how is life there during these days like restrictions or changes in life?

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Conversation Maker

Re: Covid-19 Support Community


We have been at home since 12th March, the date the government determined the lockdown. Schools, kindergartens and universities have been closed since and only essencial shops can be open. We've been home for nearly a month and it is starting to be really exhausting. My husband has been working from home since the 10th March as he had a flu before the official Norwegian lockdown started and he was already home. My daughter is home from university and both husband and daughter are working from home. My peaceful environment is gone. I can not make noise or listen to music because husband works downstairs full time on Skype while daughter is always on seminar and presentations... Finally it is Easter holiday here and they both are free for 10 days. I am the busy one these days. Our son is not home, he is staying with his girlfriend, otherwise I would be going totally mad with the full house with people studying and working all day long around me.... LOL. 

The number of cases in Norway started to slow down a bit and we start to see the light in the end of the tunnel, but that doesn't mean the end of social distancing and restrictions. If things keep this way there is a chance the kindergarten will re-open on 27th April. University and schools have been cancelled for the semester which leaves students in total despair. But that is the way things have to go.

Traveling is not allowed around the country, so there will be no going to cabin for Norwegians this Easter, actually, Easter celebrations were pretty much cancelled and all cultural and sports events cancelled until the end of July. Guess this is the way to go to keep the country safe. 

So, we pretty much adopted the same measures to avoid more cases as most countries, but the death count here is still growing, we have 101 deaths as of today. May sound insignificant to some, but we are a small country and that is a lot for a country of 6 millions.

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Community Curator

Re: Covid-19 Support Community

When I was a little girl (well, I did not grow up to be tall) I had chickenpox and mumps. In both occasion, two weeks at home. I was never allowed to play with other kids, go out regardless I was healthy or sick. So, to stay home were normal days for me.

Decades passed. Nowadays... let us see the positive angle.  I don't have chickenpox nor mumps or other kind of sickness. The sun returns every morning.  I am at home not because I am sick, but to prevent to get sick. Ah! and I don't have to take horrible medicines like when I was a little girl. It is like waiting for Santa Claus. A little restriction / sacrifice and soon, open the door, go out and continue the normal life!

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Re: Covid-19 Support Community

Beautifully said Swiss.

I'm remembering: Way back when (mid 20th century) I remember that getting an illness so young was considered a way to keep us healthier for when we got older because of the immunity it provided. We didn't have inoculations for all those "childhood" diseases. 

I also remember the "horrible" medicines to "help" us through an illness... like hot buttered milk toast or tablespoons of molasses. Ugh.

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Re: Covid-19 Support Community

I have a problem. I would like some advise. I have an opportunity to take over the lease of my mother's apartment and this is a very good thing for me. It will move me a lot closer to my family (I'm elderly) and provide me with a really nice apartment compared to where I am right now. It will provide myself and my brothers time to store her things and make decisions about what to do next. No moving Mom's things to storage (and paying for that) and gives us time to wait out the worst of the pandemic storm. BUT... My Mom's (much loved) caregiver was living there with her and has many of her belongings still there even though she has "moved out"... which would be fine except that she comes and goes in the now "unoccupied" apartment at will and she is not complying with the social distancing that we are all mandated to be practicing. She visits her various family member's homes, hugs her grandchildren, who do not live with her etc. etc. In fact her whole family is cavalier about keeping their distances from each other's households or anywhere else it seems. Now I view my mother's apartment (soon to be mine) as possibly contaminated and unsafe for me. I can't bring myself to ask/tell her to change her ways or deny her access to her recent home which contains some of her belongings. I have talked to her about the necessity of complying with our Governor's mandate for social distancing, but it falls on deaf ears. I do not believe I am being overly concerned. I believe I am seriously wanting to protect myself and others. What do you think? Any ideas?

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Community Curator

Re: Covid-19 Support Community

Good afternoon Warm:

Every area / region has different rules. 1) Consult with the Police Department about it. Explain the situation very well. Pack all of her belongings and take it to the Police Department where she can pick them up. Of course, whoever does it, wear all of the necessary protection equipment. Have a policeman witnessing the packing and list every item packed in order to avoid any lawsuit in the future.

2) Change the door looks!!!!

3) Deeply sanitize the apartment. Check in reliable sources how long can the virus survive on certain surfaces like wood, plastic, so on, and wait for a few days as precaution."Better be safe than sorry."

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Community Curator

Re: Covid-19 Support Community

Sorry, I did not write this sentence...

I am the kind of person who acts right away. So, I would call the care giver.  First thank you for all you did for my mom, but at this point the family shall take over the apartment this specific date. Please take your belongings from the apartment; otherwise, your belonging would be deposit in the Police Department or a local storage.

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Community Curator

Re: Covid-19 Support Community

@WarmWeenies  When we moved from Chicago, there was a huge visitors coat collection on our foyer hangers.  I called and called all of the coat owners to let them know they forgot their coats in our home and we were moving in a month, please pick up your coat. NOBODY, but nobody cared to pick up their coats. So, I called them again and explained we were not going to take their coats with us. Instead, donate them to the Salvation Army if they did not pick them up by  this specific date. Again, nobody cared. We didn't either. So, donation to the Salvation Army.

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Re: Covid-19 Support Community

Hi Swiss,

All of your ideas are good ones.. but this caregiver is family (nephew's mom-in-law). It's in a small community where everyone knows everyone and many are related. I can't, in good conscience, give ultimatums to her in that way. She is a welcome and valued woman. Not a tenant in the way a "stranger" would be. I guess I just needed support from the community to know that I am not unreasonable in my thinking. Also, deep cleaning will be done... but by me? By her? Hired out? Ugh, this pandemic thing is driving me crazy. Just tell me I'm not nuts yet and that I have a valid concern. I don't have to do anything about this until June. Also, I'm venting to you all. Thanks for listening. Virtual Hugs.

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Community Curator

Re: Covid-19 Support Community

@WarmWeenies  You are not a fruit cake; therefore, you are not nuts.  Business is business.  Family is family.  In this case, we have housing and family mixed. Still, you have to clear, explain the apartment shall be taken by other relatives and like any other pre occupied property, it has to be emptied. The new tenants shall move by t his date, and  you have plenty of time to take your possessions.  Don't let the pandemic to drive you nuts, we need you at Etsy.  Ey, you can do the cleaning "by chapters", little by little with all of the necessary safety equipment.

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Re: Covid-19 Support Community

Well of course you are right. I will talk to my brother (big boss of everything) and let him know of my needs/concerns regarding access and timing regarding the availability (who and when) to the apartment. I think that made sense. Thanks for the input.

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Community Curator

Re: Covid-19 Support Community

Oh, it is spring season already!  I changed the decoration until yesterday. Late this year... How did I let a virus to delay the change of decoration?

Honestly, the house looks bigger and like a different one.

Maybe, that's what we need, a little change to see things in a different angle.

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Crafty Poster

Re: Covid-19 Support Community

Yes, it's been so wonderful lately. Many people don't think of my location has having changing seasons, but we really do. Spring brings more songs birds, different flowers blossom, and more rain. This year we have had more rain than in a while, and thus the songs birds are more numerous. It's delightful to hear all the different songs. I have 3 cardinals that keep singing for a mate. 

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Community Curator

Re: Covid-19 Support Community

emojis  bird   bird   bird   bird  bird  flower

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Re: Covid-19 Support Community

That sounds great Kai- so funny, I picture Cardinals in snowy pine trees in the Northeast, and picture tropical birds only in Hawaii. Hope you and yours are doing well!

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Re: Covid-19 Support Community

Hey 92,

I had to laugh at myself, I just spent a half hour browsing your shop. I couldn't stop! I'll be back in to buy as soon as I can make a decision. LOL

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Re: Covid-19 Support Community

Me too @WarmWeenies so many clever designs @92shirts It was fun to peruse all of the designs!

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