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geting blog views

I just opened my new blog
It's been great but views are low. I keep reading about setting up SEO for google to get views. I can't seem to find solid answers to get started.
Can anyone give me some advise?
Just keep posting to my blog and hope I have good SEO words in my article titles? I feel a bit overwelmed on the social media end of getting views.
Any help you can offer would be great.
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3 Replies

Re: geting blog views

I would recommend to just keep posting and creating content. Then let everyone know you have a blog - Spread the word among friends, family, and ask them to comment and share the link with their friends and family.

Then, let your customers know by adding the link to your social media, etsy shop, website, facebook etc...

There was a time when it was easier, but Alas ! There is so much online content right now that it's becoming harder and harder to get found and to get people to sign up and follow you. But it's not impossible, and quality content will get people's attention and they will come back for more.

Merry Christmas and best wishes for your shop and blog for 2019 !
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Re: geting blog views

Liv, be sure to read up on SEO for blogs.

I am not a blogging expert. I use Blogger. (My blog is for vintage Etsy sellers.) Here are some things I have figured out:

**Blog overall**

Fill out all of the blog fields like description and subtitle. I re-subtitled mine using the phrase “a blog for...”

**Individual blog posts**

-Write content useful to readers.

-Pay attention to how to name (title) your pictures.

-Fill out the caption, alt text and title text for every picture

-Just like Etsy listings, blog post titles need to contain keywords. Sometimes I title mine full of keywords, post it and then re-title it with a more readable title.

-My blog host has a spot for “description“ for each blog post. I always fill that out

- Use the subtitle function. Pay attention to keywords in subtitles.

-Link to other posts in your blog when you can. Fix broken links.
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