Hello there Everyone!
Thanks Tura for featuring the ColdhamCuddlies today! It's a real pleasure being part of this team and I just love wandering around the shops when one is participating in this particular thread here. I'd spend an awful lot of money given the chance! At 72+, on a very limited income, that doesn't come by too often, regretably.
Tura has pretty well summed up what you need to know about me really. Was a carer for my husband for 23 years until he died rather suddenly last May. The Cuddlies have undoubtedly been a life-saver for me in that they have given me a purpose in life every day - even though I do have two wonderful daughters and an equally great son-in-law, which many folks in my situation do not. However, both live some distance from me - 80+ miles in one case, and nearly 200 miles away in the other. In the Uk, with our very crowded roads, that is nearly equivalent of being in another State in the US, or at least half the State away! (We lived in Canada (Alberta) for 12 years when the girls were young, so I do know!). However, they ring me daily (sometimes more if there's something in their lives worth sharing), so I cannot - and do not complain. Peter had been getting worse, having increased pain, so he's in a very much better place and it would be utter selfishness on my part to wish him to be still with me - (not that I don't!)
A new interest has occurred recently. For a joke just before Easter I entered a competition for a childrens' story, featured in "The Lady" magazine, a UK weekly publication that has been published since the 1890's I think. Anyway, I was chuffed to bits some weeks later to be told that I had been placed in the top 10% of the entries (2,000+) and was offered the chance to take a distance learning course at the end of which the tutors were confident I could be published! Well - couldn't turn that down, could I?
So, as well as spending vast amounts of time on Etsy teams - in addition to this one, where the invitation was most acceptable! - I am now into Assignment 3 of a 10 unit course. Wish me luck - and doubtless, you'll get bored to tears of my wails, as I find it more and more difficult to achieve what I'm trying to do!!!! Who knows, it may yet be another line offered by Coldham Cuddlies - as Cy Bear, the shop's mascot, will, I intend, be front and centre in any publication that may result from my efforts.
Thanks again for the promo today. Look forward to being able to support everyone else when they get the chance too!