Its from Sun And Moon. has anyone ever tried it? I was thinking about applying gel medium on all prints so they dont yellow from using a adhesive before putting the cabs on.
Re: type of adhesive that sticks on glass cabochon on prints?
Not applicable
11-28-201112:16 AM
Sun and Moon makes great adhesive for ring blanks. I've never tried it on my own prints-- I think that depends on what kind of ink/printer you're using. I know lots of people will seal their pictures first before they assemble the ring. You could use a clear spray sealant or even clear packing tape. I'd practice first on a scrap.
I use and sell Diamond Glaze in my store and love it. It works great.
I do suggest to always seal anything thast you are going to put adhesive or resin over top of. I use Micro glaze by Judi-Kins (I also sell that too) :)
Please let me know if you have any questions I would love to help you Tami
The Sun and Moon Glaze is similar to Diamond Glaze. They work great, but the key is to seal your image before you adhere it to the cab. I put at least 2 coats of Mod Podge on my images and letting it dry fully before using the Diamond Glaze.