unable to see messages from people

Anyone else just getting a message notification but when you check the message it's blank? Tried to view messages on 2 browsers with same blank message problem.

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Re: unable to see messages from people

@BuyfromGroovy: Are you referring to the eMail copy of the Etsy Message or looking at the Messages page on Etsy?

If the former, Etsy has been hiding the message text but you can still see if you look at the raw data view of the eMail (how you do that depends on the eMail client you use).

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Re: unable to see messages from people

ok i will try to figure that one out! Not sure why they would hide a response as that is the purpose of the message! Appreciate your time responding.

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Re: unable to see messages from people

I think they started hiding messages within the email notification when the spam/scammers got our of control on Etsy, especially by targeting new sellers. 

Some seller have gotten the scam emails, but when they came to Etsy to answer, Etsy had already zapped the scammer's account, so there was no message here.

In your email app, find where you can "View Source" . That will pull up html of the message. You can scroll through it & still find the message content.

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