I can not click on " finished product "so I can not finish my listing and publish it. I have tried everything including starting over.
@NanaLetha On the old version of the listing page, I always see "About this listing". Then I choose from Who Made It, What is it, and When did you make it. I believe this may be what the OP is talking about because finished product (you choose the year it was made) is one of the things you can choose when it is handmade.
I have never seen “finished product “ when making a listing?
@NanaLetha You have never seen "Finished Product" because you are selling "Handmade" items.
OP is selling Vintage.
Item Type - Physical Product
Who made it - Another Person
What is it - Finished Product
When was it made - Vintage pre 2005
If the answer to When was it made is post 2005, then the listing cannot be completed.
Just a piece of advice to the OP.
Use the OLD version of Listing Form. The NEW version has so many glitches it is not worth even trying to use it at this time
What are you trying to list?
If you are trying to list brand new items you didn't make that aren't a supply or vintage, they aren't allowed on Etsy.
No. It is vintage. 1990's. I said that and the problem is it won't let me select it.
To reiterate:
If you go to list something and say:
"Made by another company or person"
...accompanied with a date later than 2003
... and it is a finished product, NOT a supply...
the system won't let you list it because it isn't supposed to be on Etsy.
If it won't let you with a vintage date, then I have no idea.
Contact Etsy.
Go carefully through the listing. There is something that you are missing completing and it is trying to force you to do it. The other thing that might be an issue is if you using the new listing format. Look at the top of the page when you have the listing open and you should see a blue banner. Try clicking on "Switch to old Version".
When you do this you will lose everything and have to start all over. But I know you can choose a finished product from the old format.
Yes, I did that and everytime I try to press on the choice a finished product it bounces off on won't select it.
@NanaLetha On the old version of the listing page, I always see "About this listing". Then I choose from Who Made It, What is it, and When did you make it. I believe this may be what the OP is talking about because finished product (you choose the year it was made) is one of the things you can choose when it is handmade.
I used your advice and went to the old version which let me click on finished product and it listed. Thank you so much. It is a vintage AnnTaylor dress.
how do we get to old version
Yes. It was not in need of fixing. It always worked great.