I'm new here and trying to figure out how the whole etsy thing works.
I have 3 listings and I would like to pay them but I can't figure out how?
I had some problems creating the store, still haven't received an email as to why it was suspended or what happened, but it seems that it works now, my store is bijugardenbycristina.
Can somebody help me how it’s work with fees?
Thank You!
Your shop isn't suspended.
Any fees are charged to your payment account on etsy, and when that is due, a bill is produced on the 1st of the month. You then have till the 15th to pay it.
Shop Manager - finances - payment account.
At the top on the left will be a box that says if you owe fees with a big pay now button.
You can't pay any fees until a bill is produced.
Your shop isn't suspended.
Any fees are charged to your payment account on etsy, and when that is due, a bill is produced on the 1st of the month. You then have till the 15th to pay it.
Shop Manager - finances - payment account.
At the top on the left will be a box that says if you owe fees with a big pay now button.
You can't pay any fees until a bill is produced.
Fees are subtracted from revenue when you make a sale. If you have unpaid fees at the start of the month, and if you are set up for autopay, your credit card will be billed.
After you finish setting up your shop, start a new post to ask for a critique.
Thank you!