when I have always gone to things I am searching for, ("rhinestone bridal headpiece" for example) the number of results were shown so you could tell how many listings there were for those key words. now all you can see is "1,000+ results with ads". why the change and is there any way to get to the number of items? Hope this wasn't too confusing. Just don't know how else to explain what I'm after.
Etsy has changed how the number of listings display in the results, I am not sure when. (or why)
Etsy has changed how the number of listings display in the results, I am not sure when. (or why)
It was changed recently, likely sometime in the last week or two.
Hopefully it's just a test, but only time will tell. There is nothing we can do on our end to show us the total number again.
I really liked seeing the total numbers, it helped show if a particular item or search term was already too congested. Now everything will show the same thing (as there is very little that will not have less than 1,000 results, especially with how Etsy search works)
Yeah I agree. It was nice to see if niche was already congested. It's unfortunate that etsy changed it recently. Hopefully they change it back as it helps provide additional insight for sellers.
Also, I no longer see a badge on listings with ads, so you can not tell if it is an ad or an organic result. Anyone else having this issue?
I am still seeing the Ad badge under listings. Not sure what could have happened for you -- but they are there. It's the number of SERP listings that has disappeared
Taking away the number of results for a particular keyword is COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE !! Dear Etsy, please see these messages and realize what you have done to increase the amount of time chasing after various filters to understand the level of saturation among other sellers !
Dear etsy. I believe the number should be transparent for everyone. I believe it is our right to know where we stand.
Etsy, as a successful seller on the platform it is beneficial not only to us but to Etsy to show the number of listed items for each search results so that the site is not oversaturated in certain markets. It will help Etsy create a more diverse and even shopping experience for customers as sellers will look for under served markets and create products to serve those customers. It is a win win win for seller, customers, and Etsy. Please remove the 1000+ Results with Ads and place the number of search results back, thank you.
I also wish the search bar would work like it used to. I search certain items to see how saturated the Etsy market is and 1,000+ gets me no where. Why does Etsy make so many changes and when they do can they not tell us why? It would only need to be a simple message to your sellers.
Search annoys me too... BUT for those concerned with saturation when searching for a specific item, if it says 1000 + items, I would think its kinda saturated, why do you need to know the exact number over 1000?
I just want the category filters back the way the were. AND for search to show me what I searched for.
I have found that no matter what you search for, everything comes up with 1,000+ results, with ads
@LastCentury Actually no, if it says 1000+ items and that means there are actually only 2500 competing products for that search term..that is NOT "kinda saturated" that is a golden opportunity for selling in an underserved niche. The problem is that 1000+ could just as well mean 45,000 results..now THAT is saturated. Anything above 15,000....I'm questioning whether i will be selling for those keywords, and moving my attention toward creating for less saturated terms. Does that make sense?
This is very frustrating, as I used the number of search results for my keywords. I guess all we can do now is just make keywords and hope they work
I am with you on this one
Showing the number is good bc if I am doing research for a wedding ring with white diamonds and I see 1,397,899 results then that is saturated!!! But I do another search for wedding rings with pink diamonds and it shows 50,366 results that’s a huge difference! I know now my next roll out product may be a wedding ring with pink diamonds bc it has a significantly better chance of being seen and selling. You only have to beat about the top 10% of that 50,366 seller to make it to the top. There’s so many sellers who don’t care about their shop and it shows so my only competitions are the best sellers!!! Who care like I do.
@3PinkMoons: While I completely agree with you on the concept, the ongoing question is how helpful any number returned by Etsy Search really is. Currently, if you search for 'blue widgets' the total search will also return results for 'orange aardvarks' because some percentage of people who searched for the former subsequently purchased the latter. Plus with "personalized" search, you might see 5,000 results and I might see 6,000. So which is correct? Bottom line is that you will not actually know how many competing 'blue widget' listings there are.
The actual solution is that from an individual seller's standpoint Etsy Search needs to return results that more closely match the actual search terms so their listings rank well. From Etsy's standpoint the search needs to return what the person will purchase regardless of what they (think) they are actually looking for.
Gentlemen of Etsy, go back to the searches you did before,
you are harming us and with this policy on your part you will only get people to migrate to other platforms.
" ... is there any way to get to the number of items?"
Sometimes changing the 'Sort by' does it.
If you use Price: high to low or Price: low to high, the number of results will usually drop drastically.
Unfortunately, if you are actually shopping, some relevant results can be lost.
Sometimes when you do this, after they've told you there are 1,000+ results, they will even say "Ooops, we can't find any of those" or something. So stupid.
problem still exist