My stats are at zero. This is not normal. Anyone else experiencing this?
Is this more evidence that Etsy is tinkering again?
My visits data hasn’t been refreshed for 15 hours, but I’ve had three sales today, so I’m assuming it’s some sort of glitch on Etsy’s part. My views data seems to be up to date though.
Similar problem....I show visits, but views are zero. This has happened before, but never for this far into the day. In addition my items are 90% free shipping. I did not set them this way....usually only 20% of items. This happened last week also, but was corrected within the day. Wish Etsy would hire a technical wiz kid. Things seem to be very glitchy lately.
The shipping on calculated shipping changed to free domestic and international shipping on mine too However I made a sale to Oregon. 95 dollar item 124.00 for priority free mail? nope however I was told that i could cancel sale but buyer would have 48 hours to leave a bad review? Found a way to send snail mail ups but still took a hit financially for a good review... buyer never left one.
On the Etsy app, the statssays I have zero views today? I usually have a couple hundred everyday. I wonder what has happen? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
buğün tıklanma yaklaşık 12 saattir sıfır gözüküyor ama reklamda tıklanma var diye ücret alıyor etsy benım gibi görünürlüğü sıfır olan varmı
Same here
Stats are flat lined for last 15 hours. I know I have had activity because I had two cha chings today, which i was very pleased to hear. Thinking that I had no views today would have been too depressing.
Visits are now...slowly loading...check your pages
16 hours and no renewals.
2 visits to the store...since this morning.
mine are updated now
Same here
My Etsy stats show 0 visitors and 0 views for the past couple of days. Usually there are few visitors per day. Are there any updates on this problem?
Is there anyone who has had low views for a few days? Something is happening on my page, there are no sales and no views, very sad