Wrong video plays on my Ad listing ...

Note: I contacted Etsy Support chat and this is a known issue.

Please do a search your for your ads/listings to ensure the correct videos are playing! If not, please let Etsy Support know, as they are looking to see how widespread this is!

So, I went looking for a new listing I had made, and saw it was in the Etsy Ads at the top of search. Quickly, the video started playing, and it was the WRONG video -- it was a video of one of my other listings.

I looked in the actual listing itself, and the correct video was uploaded. Yet, when I look at the listing itself, the "clip" of the video is incorrect. 

Not thrilled that my ad budget is being spent showing the wrong video on my product ... 

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Re: Wrong video plays on my Ad listing ...

I found the same video on two of your listings.  One titled LUA in the photo and the other Snowy in the photo.

Is one a copy of the other?  Did you delete the video completely to add a new video or are you using the same video on both?  The videos both say Maggie.  Can't find the ads.

So if you intended a new video on one perhaps the captured listing did not keep the new video.  

Has this been 24 hours?  Sometimes it takes 24 hours for things to correct.

I have not had a problem with my videos on my listings.  At least not yet.  Probably jinxed myself

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Re: Wrong video plays on my Ad listing ...

And for anyone following (or coming up on this issue in the future) from Etsy 2/20:

After reviewing the information you’ve shared with us, it appears that you’re experiencing an issue that our engineering team is currently looking into. I’ve added all of the details you've mentioned from this ticket to their on-going investigation so they have more information to work with.
At this time, we do not have a timeline for when this issue will be resolved but please know that we prioritize issues based on the impact to our members.

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Re: Wrong video plays on my Ad listing ...

If this is paid for Ads would seem until its fixed its best not to use it

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Re: Wrong video plays on my Ad listing ...

I noticed the wrong videos (product we dont sell) on a sister site of ours on ETSY. I can't post from that site currently. They were not ads just normal listings.  We deleted them, changed the password and then let ETSY know so they can hopefully figure out why there is a problem.  Their response was to shut our store down.  I'm so upset and of course you can never get anyone that seems to be able to help when you need it.  We sell Christmas Ornaments and have a few weeks out of the year to sell and make a living and they shut us down because they think our site has been compromised. We've been on ETSY for 7+ years. We have lots of outstanding reviews and orders that have been ordered awaiting shipment and a star seller.  We have questions out to customers about their order and we are locked out. 

I'm not sure what to do as we've written back with the info they asked to prove who we are but I just dont know why they would shut us down.  I was trying to do the right thing to help them out with a known issue and this is what I get.  Hoping it gets resolved very quickly but a word of caution that letting them know of a problem might backfire on you as it did us. 

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Re: Wrong video plays on my Ad listing ...

@OrnamentsWithPets: Sorry that this has happened to you and it does sound unfair, but you are not helping your case by appearing to not comply with Etsy's requirement that "you must list all the shops you run in the Public Profile section of each account." https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017604474-How-to-Open-a-Second-Shop-on-Etsy?segment=selli...

Perhaps one of the Etsy mods will see this and forward to it someone who can help you.

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