Anyone having issues with purchasing a shipping label?
I can't purchase shipping labels either.
Mine just worked!!!!!
Same thing with me
Me too-- ETSY please fix!!
I'm having the same issue! Ugh!!! I need this fixed now, or I'll have to print all the labels from Pirate ship, which is a pain, because then I have to update shipping and tracking on every order
If you set up your Etsy shop as an integration, all the information gets automatically sent back to Etsy from pirateship
Same thing here. I guess I will get orders packed and process the labels later.
I can't purchase shipping labels either.
Same here!
same here
Me to. I promised the customer I'd ship this today. Ugh!
Will I get penalized on my on time shipping badge? My item needs to go out today!
Trying to use Pirateship, but unsure how to enter a note.
Let the good times roll. Having the same issue.
It looks like it's fixed!!! I just successfully purchased a label.