All of a sudden in March my sales and visits are non existent . I’ve been consistent for 3 years . Is there something going on ?
I agree! It's time to leave Etsy and look elsewhere. Good luck to you also and thank you so much for responding to my post.
Mädels gebt noch nicht auf ihr habt so schöne Geschäfte. Ich überlege eher mich zu erweitern
I’ve been seeing many shops from China overtaking Etsy. It’s definitely driving the costs downward. If this continues, Etsy will go downward along with that trend. And Etsy lose a lot of business.
One short update. Its slow but not totally down like last year. I forgot to switch my “Attributes“ from easter to motherday. Since i have changed it some buyers came back.
Hi, what do you mean by Attributes? Do you mean SEO and tags?
I am so sorry to hear that everyone is down so much. You guys have beautiful shops! I do not know what's going on. I've been here since 2009. Something turned off in March and went blackout in April. BTW I do not have Mother's Day as a choice for attributes. Maybe it's cause of my category. That's always bothered me as I have Vday, Easter and Christmas- and various others, but not Mother's Day! They should roll it out for all categories for holiday.
I also have this problem with three of my articles. So, for example, I cant't add any holidayattributes at all. This probably has something to do with our cathegories.
@miagefaellts Mine is that it's not a choice in the drop down. Yours seems like something technical?
I really don't know.
This is the cathegorie where i did not find any holyday attributes
Badezimmer- Badezimmerdeko- Zahnbürstenhalter
toothbrush holder-Home&Living-Bathroom-bathroom decorations- toothbrush holder
Put our shop in vacation mode for a few days Mid March. Since our return, we are very slow. I added new listings over the weekend and got a couple of sales. No one has any of my listings as "favorites" anymore - at least that are showing up. I pay for Etsy Ads on my new listings and current seasonal items. I'm completely stumped, it's like my shop has fallen off the face of the Earth.
SALES HAVE DIED! I have had a drop of at least 30% each year since the pandemic. It's SEO, economy, etc. I used to steady constant orders all day every day then starting in March I go for hours and hours with nothing...then suddenly some orders pop up. The next day I will have normal sales and feel happy it is improving only to have it go back to the switch turned off again. Definitely capping big shops and rotating everything.
I'm not only in a REAL eclipse today but also an Etsy eclipse!
Sales also down here. I've been running my shop full time for 8 years and I've never been so quiet. Recently I've noticed A LOT of Etsy TV ads, I'm wondering if they're also noticing lack of sales due to cheap Chinese sites like temu.
I was consistently getting sales and add to carts and 2 weeks ago, everything went DEAD. We are a relatively new shop, but I just don't understand why things have gone completely DEAD. Something fishy is going on.
I have noticed this as well, much quieter than usual, not as many visits, not as many inquiries and such.
Same here. I’ve been on Etsy since 2017 and have not experienced a slowdown in all areas like this before.
I'm having the same problem! This is my main income.
Traffic has completely dried up (*cough cough* - suffocating on the dust) 4 views/4 visits? Isn’t bringing traffic part of why we’re all here? How the he££ is someone supposed to make sales with these numbers? I’ve stopped renewing listings and am letting my shop dwindle down until it’s gone. I’d rather lose my shop than pay Etsy another penny in the form of ads, offsite or otherwise. I’ve noticed in other threads that some sellers have opted back in to OFAs to try to stem the bleeding…maybe that’s Etsy’s plan. Choke sales and traffic to force sellers into purchasing more “services”. SMH. I just feel so defeated.
@DivineCrossings it's hard to be seen amongst a see of re-sellers and POD stuff.
I'm sure the only views I get are out of curiosity, because my items were shown in unrelated searches.
It is very disheartening!
I really believe it's because of the Gift Categories that's buyers are being asked to choose from, which are not relevant to the items that many shops are selling
Hello, Same here, 0 sales this month and $23 Etsy Bill. Can't keep open this shop. AI art is everywhere and no one buys hand drawings.
I was paying for ETSY OSAs for the whole of March and did quite well on sales defiantly an up trend then got to beginning of April and views just dropped right off . I stopped paying for ETSY OSAs pointless if it’s not bringing in views . Now it’s virtually 0 views . It’s been up and down with ETSY for a while and I accept the cost of living and financial crisis but there are so many mass shops that are now not handmade it’s seeming like it may be time to move on … I did ctc ETSY to ask them what was going on but just got same old same old about tags photographs etc all in the sellers manual I’ve read a hundred times already . But I can only do so much from my end ETSY needs to pull its weight and get onboard with the shops it advertises as handmade and unique and get rid of these mass producing shops
Quite agree
Same. I'm tired. I see a huge increase in views if I spend $25 per day in ads and maybe 2 sales. The past two weeks extremely dead. LOW views and no sales. I have a website but driving traffic to it is extremely hard. I see people buying at local vendor events. I did on last weekend with OK sales. I think Etsy shot itself in the foot by allowing these non handmade companies to take over. People want real small businesses. The search algorithm is a joke. Etsy needs to go back to 2019.
Same here. The past week starting with Tuesday 4/16 sales fell by over 50%. This is far from normal and not related to economy, etc.
I average 100 views a day, with my best seller getting 50-60 views a day (!) and I have not had a sale in 3 weeks. This is one of the worst droughts I’ve ever experienced here and I’ve been here going on 8 years.