I have been selling on Etsy for over 10 years, with Star Seller status and 5★ reviews.
I was instructed to upload a document confirming my business details within 7 days. I did this within a day, yet my shop was put in holiday mode while you "verify" the documents.
It has now been a week, and all I receive is the same AI response telling me to submit my documents—which I have already done.
There are a few issues here:
Can you please advise how to resolve this urgently? AI verification is not working, and I do not want to lose my shop. Please escalate this to a real person.
Looking forward to your urgent response.
@WestermanBags Etsy is not here. You are talking to fellow sellers only for the most part. You have a few problems. First not being able to provide the ID of an individual is an issue. Etsy needs that. When you started a shop it should have been your information personally which includes ID and the business information in the tax area. It's been that way for about 14 years.
As to addresses, the ID, bank account need to match. Can't help with the bank statement. Etsy may ask for a utility bill .
I suggest you contact Etsy via email and explain the situation. The first reply back will be generic. Reply back that you still need help.
@ModAngie @ModKenneth Would you be able to help this seller? Thank you.
@WestermanBags: " ... have been selling on Etsy for over 10 years ..." Unfortunately for (re)verification purposes this is immaterial - what was acceptable verification yesterday may very well not be enough today. The continually changing laws mean that shops have to be prepared for ever more often and ever more in depth verifications.
While clearly Etsy could be clearer in what they want and need, the reality is that nowadays Etsy needs to validate both the business AND a responsible human being. Can't speak for what individual documents will work in your situation but you will need to have the paperwork to support the information you provided when you started your shop.
And as @ArtDollsbyJD mentions, the spellings, abbreviations, addresses, etc must match exactly.
Just so you know, even if Etsy Support or the Help Pages sent you here this is a seller peer to peer forum, and should not be considered a way to contact Etsy, if that is your hope (although Etsy moderators do sometimes read and reply to posts).
Here's the call back number, click on the black arrow to get France, hopefully you can get someone to help you,
Please note that even if you do all of these things, you still may have to wait days or weeks. There is a massive verification backlog and Etsy doesn't seem to be doing much about it. I suspect they are not hiring more people to verify because they are likely training AI to do it on the inputs of the currently-backlogged staff as their long term solution.
Best of luck!
OP, your shop location says France. You must have a passport or other documents that allowed you as a Netherlands citizen to do business and reside in France.
Etsy executives have stated they have too many sellers and are finding ways to reduce the seller population. Don't let a document cause you to lose your shop. Find an attorney who can help you straighten out your legal name, which should match the name on your bank account, and your company name. Etsy has been extremely strict on the need to comply with the Inform Act for all sellers.
Dear westerman, I read your post and thought I wrote it. They put me on vacation mode with no warning and after submitting the documents they wanted I only got opened again today after eight days. I’ve tried everything to communicate with them every day to no avail. I feel for you brother! Their communication systems really SUCK!
Hi everyone,
Thanks so much for your responses.
It’s becoming clear that many European sellers are struggling to meet Etsy’s current requirements as they stand.
Here’s what I’ve learned so far (I’ll update again later):
I’m now waiting for confirmation on this and will update once I know more. I’ve received many messages from other sellers facing the same issue.
I do understand that Etsy is not here, but this group has been the only place where I’ve received truly helpful support. It also seems to be the only place where we have even a tiny chance to show Etsy the depth of the challenges they’re creating by not communicating properly with us.
Let’s keep each other posted!