Etsy has been notifying me to update my business phone or else they'll put me on Vacation mode. I try to update but the page won't update or accept any changes. It's a never ending circle - I've tried different browsers and different computers.
This is a technical issue that Etsy is responsible for. How can they legally shut down my shop when this is their problem? Over a phone number????
I've contacted Help (ha!!!) several times by email, chat, and phone call over the past week. I've received several different case numbers. They assured me I wouldn't be put in Vacation mode but that's what happened this morning. Oh and not receiving MY MONEY that I've earned.
I've read several posts here of similar issues and I am amazed Etsy an continue to shut down businesses because of their inadequate tech support. I have submitted a complaint with the BBB - spitting in the wind maybe but I had to try. I know I'm preaching to the choir but if anyone does have any information or did something that did work to correct a similar situation, I would greatly appreciate input. Thank you.
Finally out of vacation mode. I only received messages from Support in the middle of the night. Several days of messages with 24hr delay. Was finally able to get past Step 2 of the 5. Something changed and all is well now.
@BootGypsyDesigns I'm glad this is finally resolved for you.
I don’t see any way to update my phone number. I get sent a code to my old phone number that probably belongs to someone else by now. Did you ever figure it out?
Help!!!! Please!!!!!
@iBUYAMERICAN: Since you longer have access to the original phone number to verify a phone number change, you will have to contact Etsy for assistance. Even if Etsy Support or the Help Pages sent you here this is a seller peer to peer forum, and should not be considered a way to contact Etsy, if that is your hope (although Etsy does sometimes read and reply to posts).