I just tried to log in to my other account. I was presented with 20 Captcha images in a row. Then I just gave up. And when I logged into this account and wanted to send a help request for technical issues, it turns out Etsy has an old email on file still, even though I changed my email several weeks ago. AND all my shops were suspended because of it for days.
I do wonder which of these aspects does Etsy consider "humanizing" the site. Because being shown 20 different images to log in as a "human" and failing to accept any of my correct answers is certainly not humanizing anything. It is just infuriating. All I have to do in many, more essential sites is to click "I'm human" and the site recognize me as such from the way I click. why can't Etsy upgrade its Captcha thing to one more user friendly? Showing me a closeup of a bus that fills the entire picture then telling me I am wrong, it is not all a bus, or showing me some awful grainy images of something that might or might not be a car points to a faulty app, not a faulty "human". Fix it Etsy, and let me sell- that is what I want to do and that is the only reason why I'm here. Not trying twenty times to get through your ridiculous and outdated Captcha!!!!
Oh, and if I change my email for my account, and you verify it, repeatedly, after some painful attempts to have you recognize me as the person from the same IP address and same exact domain as for 16 years now, change my email for everywhere on Etsy!!!!
Try logging in with a different browser. I got stuck in a loop recently with Shopify on Chrome and I switched to Edge and logged in with no problems.
I feel your pain. Months ago i had the same problem when on Firefox. I finally switched to Safari to sign in with no problems.
Tried again on Firefox a few weeks ago and it was fine. One of life's mysteries...
It shouldn't matter what browser I use. I could log in yesterday and nothing changed. I imagine this happening to shoppers - I bet they would abandon Etsy after the 2nd Captcha fail. Maybe Silverman ought to concentrate on humanizing the log in process a bit more to keep shoppers on the site.
@ArtfulBeginnings When you first receive the Captcha prompt, instead of selecting the photos, have you first done a Ctrl + F5 (Hard Refresh)? I've never heard of it until someone mentioned it on the Forum.
I always use the same desktop computer, Chrome, Windows 10. It's been approx. a few weeks since I received the Captcha. When I hit Ctrl + F5, it will bypass the Captcha. Another time it didn't, and I had to select the photos. I don't receive the Captcha often these days, but this did seem to help when it reared it's head. Hope it helps you.
ETA: You're right, Customers receiving the Captcha aren't going to fiddle around with different browsers, etc. They use all kinds of devices and browsers. It they get Captchas upon Signing In, most likely they will get frustrated and leave.
@ArtfulBeginnings: "It shouldn't matter what browser I use." You are correct that it shouldn't, but it is Google (and not Etsy) that is questioning whether or not you are a human. The actions behind doing a hard refresh or using another tab seems to often be enough to tell Google's algorithm that you are not a robot.
Oh, you weren't looking for a solution?
The few times that has happened to me-- I just open duplicate second window in the same browser and I am in. I then delete that one that is stuck on a gazillion captcha pix.