Hi, my problem is that my account was suspended due to an error when entering my bank information. The problem is contacting Etsy. I've already sent two emails, opened up to three different tickets, the live chat is bugged and doesn't work (no one answers), and I've called twice, and both times they said it would be fixed within 24 hours, but nothing. Does anyone know how to solve my problem or get it fixed? I don't know what to do anymore. _c
I put again the text becouse i dont know why is show like this
Hi, my problem is that my account was suspended due to an error when entering my bank information. The problem is contacting Etsy. I've already sent two emails, opened up to three different tickets, the live chat is bugged and doesn't work (no one answers), and I've called twice, and both times they said it would be fixed within 24 hours, but nothing. Does anyone know how to solve my problem or get it fixed? I don't know what to do anymore.
I put again the text becouse i dont know why is show like this
Hi, my problem is that my account was suspended due to an error when entering my bank information. The problem is contacting Etsy. I've already sent two emails, opened up to three different tickets, the live chat is bugged and doesn't work (no one answers), and I've called twice, and both times they said it would be fixed within 24 hours, but nothing. Does anyone know how to solve my problem or get it fixed? I don't know what to do anymore.
It is best to answer one email with I need help because each time you create a new ticket Etsy thinks the problem was solved and you get pushed to the back of the line. How did you call, request a call back? If not any phone number you called is a scam as Etsy doesn't list their phone #.
You could not have called Etsy because they have no phone number. Don't keep opening new tickets it just moves your request to the bottom.
@BoomMediaShop your shop is NOT suspended. Check it again.
I have a big red message saying my account is suspended and I can't claim my money back.
Its in spanish, srry for that
I used the service where you enter your number and they call you. The last time was three days ago, and they told me it would be fixed within 24 hours. And nothing. Here I am, with the store suspended.
BoomMediaShop Your shop is open. But you need to read the Twitch guidelines which is trademarked. Also, Pokemon is trademarked and not allowed to sell. https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/legal/trademark/
hmmm. Your shop is open and you have etsy payments.
@UppNorthEh It is true that I continue receiving purchases and everything seems normal, but the red suspension message is still on my account and it won't let me add an account to receive my funds :c
Nothing, the message keeps showing, and if I try to add my bank details, another red message appears saying "there was a problem." :c
Your shop is packed with IP infringements, so perhaps take this down time to research what you're legally allowed to sell. This investment of time will serve you in the long run.
Thank you. In principle, since it's fan-made, it can be sold, but I'll investigate and remove any items if necessary.
Fan art ceases to be fan art as soon as you put a price tag on it
So yes, as a fan you can make these items for your own personal use or to give away as gifts to family and friends.
But you cannot make these items to sell without permission from the rights holder.
And if granted (which is unlikely) such permission will come with a hefty licensing fee
@BoomMediaShop wrote:since it's fan-made, it can be sold
Sorry to say that the law doesn't care whether the proprietor is a fan or not. Selling counterfeit goods is illegal.
@BoomMediaShop Fan Art and Fair Use: One Truth and Five Myths
Once you start selling fan art it ceases to be fan art and becomes a business subject to trademark and copyright.
As to your bank problem. did you verify the account? Did Etsy send the small deposit for you to place? If they didn't ask for a bank statement then the deposit must have worked.
I would clear out cache and cookies to see if this is a display issue.
If it continues send an email in to Etsy.
@BoomMediaShop It can't be sold - fan art is still infringement and against the law!
Thanks! I'll make the necessary changes.
Here's from Etsy about fan art: https://www.etsy.com/seller-handbook/article/39402098770
Pokemon = trademark infringement! Good way to get your shop shut down and a possible lawsuit!