If anyone out there can help, we would very much appreciate it. We've been selling on Etsy since 2012 and have loved it -- until now. Our sales are down 70% year over year and we have no idea why. If you search for items, you can't find our products. It's like we've been shadow banned. I've tried calling Etsy and the person I spoke to told us that we're doing everything right. Has anyone experienced something similar and figured out what to do about it? We're willing to try whatever is needed.
Desperate in PA
You posted under "technical issues" - If you want a shop critique, that's where you need to post.
You posted under "technical issues" - If you want a shop critique, that's where you need to post.
This is a technical issue. We've done nothing differently, yet our shop is suddenly invisible. I'm assuming that it's an algorithm update that's tanked us, or maybe something with AI, but without help from Etsy, we can't fix the problem.
@TrademarkAntiques: "We've done nothing differently, yet our shop is suddenly invisible." Almost certainly this would be due to changes in the Etsy search algorithm, but they are not going to provide specific details - partly because they consider it proprietary and partly because it is constantly changing and being tested. Information they give you today may not be valid tomorrow.
Search is designed to be to Etsy's benefit not any individual shop's, so from their standpoint there is no "problem" that you can fix.
Many shops are complaining that organic search has all but disappeared for them.
As Etsy search stands now, you need to drive your own traffic and sales so that the algorithm continually knows that people want what you are selling, but if you have your own website that may be counterproductive.
I wouldn't say that you are invisible. or shadow banned. Your clover brooch is an "Etsy pick".
What a lovely shop! I wish I had some concrete suggestions - from what I can see, you're doing everything right (and the photography is stunning!). Hopefully someone else will post some ideas to try. Wishing you all the best in turning things around.
Thank you for your support! We're a small business and we can't sustain this much longer if our items are invisible in the Etsy search. We have a website, but Etsy is the primary selling platform for us.
This is a technical issue. Something has happened with the algorithm. My "shop critique" que is empty because we are doing that right.
Your listing are showing up in Etsy search. I tried one and it came up on the first page.
Thanks! We are appearing, but we're really buried. I'm wondering if it is related to the changes in EU shipping policies.
Your shop is indexed (I checked) and items appear in search (I searched for your thermometer pendant and it's on the first page).
Given what's going on with the economy, it could just be pricepoints.
We're indexed, but really buried compared to where we were prior to January 2025. Our Etsy traffic is down between 70-80% quite suddenly. We have a 13 year track record selling on the platform, so this is quite puzzling to us.
" but really buried compared to where we were prior to January 2025"
In the U.S., prior to January 2025, people were more comfortable spending their money.
There was a major change in January.
The economy is tanking now, and beautiful, expensive, unnecessary items like yours are going to be the first to go down with it.
And on Etsy, just as sales beget sales, lack of sales begets lack of sales.
My only suggestion would be to sprinkle more $500.00 and under items in your first page. Gorgeous items!
The current Etsy commercials that I've seen are promoting less expensive items, ie: shop this category for items under $50, etc. Could be a sign of the times with buyers having less disposable income due to the economy, tax time, paying off Xmas debt.
Yep, I fear with the way Etsy is going what you sell is too expensive. I would never sell expensive items like this on Etsy, you have no protection at all. Anyone can buy and claim it was not received and Etsy will give them a refund from you.
I wish you the best of luck!
Same here, my shop just spent two weeks being invisible to search. Now it back, did nothing different and changed nothing.
Sellers always want to blame the site for everything that goes awry, yet successful selling is about the product,its uniqueness,quality, price points, target market, supply and demand,etc...OP has mostly high value items and with changing trends, the world economic situation et al, nothing lasts forever....Trends come, trends go, buyer habits change...These days I would think more folks are spending their monies on "Needs" more so than "Wants"....
Not everyone will see the same things with search.
What I see won't be what you see or what another seller sees.
With your search you might not being seeing your items since #1 you can't buy your items so the search algorithms decide to show you something different that is why some of us are seeing you on page 1.
I see the antique clover brooch on page 1, 2nd line 1st slot.
I rarely wear jewelry but if I did, I wouldn't shell out $1,00's or $1,000's or $10,000+ dollars on a ring, necklace, earrings on any online site.
I want to actually see/hold it and be 100% sure it was what it was supposed to be.
I'd never sell expensive items like this on Etsy, you have ZERO seller protection if anything goes amiss with an order, even if it shows delivered and signed for, it won't matter.
I wouldn't want to sell a $300 item let alone up to a $12,000+ item here.
I appreciate that you've had a lot of great sales here.
and I don't doubt, for the minute, that you are pricing fair and that you run an ethical shop.
but a lot of folks don't. And especially online, it is very easy for fraudsters to take people's money and not deliver value.
You have no seller protection over $250. You are selling most items (if not all) for WELL over that threshold. A few items I noted were in the mid thousands.
That's not pocket change for most folks. And when one is selling wants (which most of us are) and the economy is a bit rocky (which it is for a lot of people) coupled with the absolute fraud I've personally experienced in buying similar goods online...
as I mentioned before, it is caveat emptor.
If you're doing what you've always done, well that's likely an issue as previously said. Pricing is an issue. Overcoming objections and fears is an issue. There's a ton more competition everywhere and Etsy seems to be prioritizing lower priced (or higher inventory) shops. I make everything I sell and I can make a lot of everything...not so you. So I think vintage sellers are already at a bit of a disadvantage.
I'd review your presentation, update photos (always works for me...) and revisit your pricing. If you are pricing based on the current gold market...but you paid at the market in 2010...that could be an issue. People may be looking for a bargain. Give them some. If you can. If you cannot or do not wish to do so, I get that.
but, as I said prior, I won't even consider a jewelry purchase of any significant value that I cannot pick up and examine in person. JMO. HTH
I think many sellers are having the same problem with being found.
It's exactly the same for many shops including mine. Our products and prices are not at all the same but the boat we are are all sailing in is
@TrademarkAntiques Fab pieces, I have favourited a few for what is worth... as many have said, your shop looks fine, looks more like a high end auction catalogue. Although selling on ETSY is a challenge these days, I would not say price point is the only issue - There are plenty of people buying expensive items online including myself - I have bought expensive art and jewellery from auctions online without seeing them - it is all about trust of the seller and knowing what you are buying. Plus, you can alway contact the seller for more info and pics. Reputable dealers will not cheat their buyers. Why would you? It will kill your business. So I would imagine you have repeat buyers?
Perhaps your items are more at home on sites like 1stdibs and Vestaire Collective and even eBay? It is worth expanding and selling on different platforms. Things have really changed on ETSY. Previously I didn't even advertise and was doing okay selling vintage home decor, usually wake up to a sale. No longer, as traffic suddenly went downhill and has never recovered since 2023. You have to do the marketing yourself these days.
Recently I read 70% of buyer on ETSY are from the US; there is a lot of volatility in the US at the moment, which will most certainly influence people's expenditure even if they can afford it.
All the best to you.
I'm in an entirely different category but my sales suddenly plummeted this month too. I had a lot in February and suddenly things just tanked. Views and sales. It's unusual given the momentum I've been building over the last 3 years. Every month has been better than the previous (with the exception of Q4 sales obviously being higher) until this month, where sales are suddenly at a trickle. I'm just here looking to see if that's being experienced by others, how I can fix it or if I did something wrong. There's no indication that I did so I'm stumped. Unfortunately, this is the sole income for my family at the moment so the sudden deep drop in sales is also not sustainable for us. We are struggling this month. Hoping things somehow return to 'normal' soon.
I agree that I don't think it's the price point that is the cause - the items you have listed appeal to specific customers, not bargain shoppers, so those types of customers weren't shopping your store to begin with. IMO, it has to be another reason. Good luck. You have beautiful items.
Perhaps the tide has turned, along with the economy for luxury goods and higher end antique jewelry, just a thought.