I have recently started selling on Etsy, so please forgive me if I don't understand every option completely.
At the moment I am having problems with tracking numbers. I get them in slovene format example: "LB018474721SI" but every time I place it on the completed form it says "no tracking" even after days. Is this because our national website (https://sledenje.posta.si/) to monitor tracking has an antibot system? Is there anything that I can do to fix this? I don't want this to somehow affect my chances of getting star seller.
I know I am not close to being a star seller yet, but I would just like to do everything correctly, professionally and with the best service as possible from the start.
Thank you and have a nice day
@MihovecDesign If you bought your postage on Etsy then that will qualify you for star seller. If you bought it elsewhere and entered the tracking number then it should be okay for star seller. The only problem is that it can't get updates to say when it is delivered.
Not all postal carriers are recognised by Etsy outside the USA so that is probably why it is not updating.
Thank you for your response.
@MihovecDesign: For Star Seller, the tracking has to be with a supported shipper and a verifiable tracking number. Does the Post of Slovenia show up as a choice in the shippers drop down?
The drop down menu is empty.
I only have options (other shipping).
Just send the your customer an email with the shipping site's URL and package tracking number. That way they can check were it is no matter what Etsy says.
I always send a message to the customers on etsy messages with the number each time and then I monitor the package every few days to see it went smoothly.
I just hope that I can even get star seller.
When I am doing the shipping policy, I have only "other" option available.
@MihovecDesign In this case, perhaps open a new post with "sellers from Slovenia" in the title, so to call people from your country for help.
When I do a search in Etsy, I can select shops from Slovenia that are also star sellers, and I get results, so there must be a workaround.
I have contacted etsy support.
Not very helpful. Aparently I need to use different carrier. And there is only fedex in slovenia which means i would need to travel 25km each day just to drop off a package...
I am just not very happy about this.
I did tracking numbers. Did everything correctly, but because it is unsupported carrier i wont get star seller and it wont count..
@MihovecDesign If you bought your postage on Etsy then that will qualify you for star seller. If you bought it elsewhere and entered the tracking number then it should be okay for star seller. The only problem is that it can't get updates to say when it is delivered.
Thank you for your reply.