Hey all!  I have been adding many listings today but for some reason when I adjust the thumbnails it doesn't save it when I publish it on like 75% of the listings.  I have to go back in and re-do it, and even then some of them I have to re-do multiple times for it to finally save the new thumbnail.  It's really slowing me down getting these listings up and published.  Anyone else experience this or have any tips?  Thanks ya'll!    (I am using my desktop not app if that makes any difference)

Re: Thumbnails not saving

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I found a way to make it work on all of my listings last week : When clicking " adjust thumbnail" I push the cursor to the maximum and click " done " ( but not " apply" )Then click again " adjust thumbnail " and adjust the picture like you want it to look like. Then click " done" and "apply ".

I have noticed that each click at each step should be made veeeery slooooowly and it worked for me. I hope it helps

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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I worked that out today.

I just waited less than a minute before I pressed the " Apply" button. Works every time

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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Thanks for the input - I'll be trying that today!

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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I was wondering if there was a delay in the saving of the image after pushing apply for adjust thumbnail.  Just like there is a delay when selecting featured items.  The featured items selected don't seem to show up for awhile.  Any way spend time as you trying to reselect adjust thumbnail to see if it will finally stick- usually about the third time.  I do photo in rectangle mode as well not square.

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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Soooooo annoying! I just adjusted one 8 or 9 times and it still won't stick. 

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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Yesterday, I made 2 new listings, and spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to make the thumbnails stick.  I tried everything that people suggested on this post - to NO avail.  As one poster said, sometimes you give up, and then go check on the new listing and it has 'magically' changed.... that happened to both of my listings yesterday!  My changes did not show that they saved right away, so I gave up after MULTIPLE attempts.  30 minutes later I checked the listings, and they were both showed the changes for the way I wanted them.  

What is up with that????  

Etsy - PLEASE!!!!  fix it!  Why should we be so aggravated listing things on your site???  You are making money off of our listings when they sell... so why not spend EXTRA time on making your listing 'features' work correctly??

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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I just tried the suggestion to crop ever so slightly and got it to work!

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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i tried this today and it worked, but two hours later the image was off centre and weird again. so please check yours are still ok!

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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You are right. They went back to being wonky again. 

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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OMG Etsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fix your bloody code!!!!!! Thumbnails constantly changing positioning from what we set, wonky and half there, and going back to not even adjusted. This is NUTS! It means coming back later and checking, constantly!

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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still out of control today, it's been over a year!

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Conversation Maker

Re: Thumbnails not saving

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I've experienced this as well, and it is very frustrating and a time waster.  I keep playing around with the slider and will crop the photo when needed to get it to work.  Eventually it accepts what I've done, but I'm tired of having to recheck the listings each time just to be sure!

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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Having the same issue. My photo is square. I've tried in Edge. I've tried applying changes several times. Nothing is sticking.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Thumbnails not saving

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I've been in contact with Etsy Support for five days now regarding this exact issue. It took multiple messages, detailed explanations, and screenshots before they even acknowledged that this is a real problem. Unfortunately, after all that, I finally received a response stating that Etsy is aware of the issue but has decided not to prioritize a fix at this time.

So if you're facing the same problem, you're not alone. The best we can do right now is keep reporting it and push for Etsy to take action. If more sellers raise their concerns, maybe they'll move this higher on their priority list.

Has anyone found a reliable workaround in the meantime?

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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I just reported it and sent a link to all the threads in the forum about the issue.

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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It is 4am and I'm still having problems with the same issue, even following other suggestions, clicking slow, trying different browsers. This is really a challenge.

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Conversation Maker

Re: Thumbnails not saving

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Crop isn't working at all for me now. It crops it low and cut off and not zoomed. Also if I try to crop and it won't stick, the image won't go back to the original centered upload even after I zoom back out, so I end up having to delete it and re-upload. What a PITA. I'm done using this broken tool for now.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Thumbnails not saving

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Also having this issue on 2 different devices and 3 browsers.

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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I can't get my last two listings to get the thumbnail to save centered, they're both off center and cut off. Do you think Etsy ever reads people's complaints in the forums? Or they just dgaf.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Thumbnails not saving

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I tried 3 browsers on 2 operating systems and nothing works. The crop does not work at all. The first photo flies around the entire square but is not cropped and is not saved. Neither zooming in nor zooming out of the photo works, even to the maximum. The only option at the moment is to use a standard crop to a square and then add a full-length photo, for example. However, you don't have to specifically add a square photo for this to work. The main photo's job is to do this automatically based on your wishes. I have been struggling with this problem for the third month and there is no improvement. The crop is saved either after the 10th try or not saved at all, but I feel sorry to waste time on this instead of doing my job and devoting time to clients.

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Post Crafter

Re: Thumbnails not saving

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Is there any Etsy admins in here????? This is beyond upsetting having to keep redoing thumbnails for hours!!!!!!!!!! FIX IT!

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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No Etsy admins check these forums. Please contact Etsy support directly about this issue. The more people complain about it, the more likely it is they fix it.

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Conversation Maker

Re: Thumbnails not saving

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If you are referring to adjusting thumbnails, I had the same issue today but I found that if I did a slight crop after enlarging the photo it took. Maybe a coincidence but worth a try.


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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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This issue with adjusting thumbnails needs to be corrected Pronto, it is extremely important!!! I feel like my head is going to explode from it.

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Re: Thumbnails not saving

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I can’t adjust thumbnails either. Aaargh! 

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