Hi everyone I wanted to share a detailed explanation what happened and how I un-paused my shop after it was put into vacation mode due to the tax ID verification in hopes that it will help someone.
I input all of my information into the required fields and then submitted and was given two notifications from Etsy with conflicting messages about the info being verified. My shop was then paused and I was given the option to reinput for verification.
After this I scoured the forums for a few hours and someone quoted this article below from the Etsy help center that helped me.
It states that if you are organized legally in the US (not a sole proprietorship) you may need to enter your business name in the legal name field.
Your business name is shown on form 147c from the IRS after you registered for EIN.
I made this change yesterday as well as capitalizing the letters of all fields and I was un-paused immediately.
Let me know if this helps.
How do you know if you account is on pause? I know I went from 42 sales a week to zero, getting reviews ect. But, I need to know, just to make sure that is not the issue in my case.
as soon as I did this, I got a sale within minutes. Thank you/
OMG! It worked, LINAHOPES! You have heaps of good karma coming your way for sharing this. I can't thank you enough! After knocking my head against the wall for days, I am officially unpaused!
Putting all info in all caps worked for me! Thanks for posting this
We are still locked out and can't make any edits - I had put the wrong number into the entity field - I just uploaded to them a snap shot from the state of Ohio that shows our legal entity number - how do we get their attention or communicate with these people to unlock the site so we can edit?
@SevenBarks how did you contact Etsy? Through Contact us and then used the email?
Did you use all tries available?
Are you an LLC? Otherwise all you need is the SSN or EIN number.
Yes we used all of -retries, prior to understanding what our correct entity number is - so we can't edit at all - We are LLC and I had put the wrong number in for the "entity number" I did up load the form from the state of Ohio yesterday - but haven't heard anything back ? I don't know what to do next ??? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Yes - we have the federal ID number accurate and it has been since we setup the account - so that is'nt it - it was the state of Ohio entity number that we had wrong. But They really don't tell you what is incorrect -
Another Resolve: If you use a DBA.
I just had the same issue. I have an LLC, and on my EIN application, it also asked if we would be using a DBA (doing business as), which we are.
On my EIN letter it has the LLC/DBA name right after each other. As soon as I entered it this way, it was immediately accepted.
*Type it with the forward slash*
Hope this helps!