Third party plugins unable to sync orders still.  Looks to be marked as resolved, but clearly isn't. 

Re: Third party plugins unable to sync orders, although Etsy has marked the issue as resolved

Rollo is not loading my orders anymore either which I thought was Rollo, but maybe it is Etsy.

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Re: Third party plugins unable to sync orders, although Etsy has marked the issue as resolved

Orders due to be shipped today, Shipstation STILL won't integrate after nearly 24 hours down on Etsy's part.  If it's not up within the hour, will Etsy claim I shipped the orders late and take away my badge, I'd just about bet my life on it.

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Re: Third party plugins unable to sync orders, although Etsy has marked the issue as resolved

With Netparcel, I had to disconnect from there and here first. Then I went back to NP and added my shop again and it worked. 

This is so unacceptable. Am very sorry for those sellers who can't work and hope Etsy will compensate you. And like I posted in another thread. WTH? It's called communication Etsy. Why can't you post the issue on our dashboards and let us know you're aware and fixing. Sure, we'd still have to wait for a fix but at least we'd know you give a crap and then maybe we wouldn't submit millions of support tickets which would free up time so you can respond to other help requests in under a day (<<<sarcasm here). Just wow.

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Community Maker

Re: Third party plugins unable to sync orders, although Etsy has marked the issue as resolved

deleted my first post.  I figured it out.  Like I said the other day we really are on our own here when it comes to all the etsy glitches.  thankful there is a workaround.  no thanks to etsy.

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Re: Third party plugins unable to sync orders, although Etsy has marked the issue as resolved

I can't even open the Integrations page to disconnect and reconnect to ShipStation. Come on Etsy, this has been WAY too long!!!

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Community Maker

Re: Third party plugins unable to sync orders, although Etsy has marked the issue as resolved

@CompanyTwentySix  - that's what I tried first too.  You have to go to Shipstation and go to your settings and disconnect.  Then reconnect there.  Frankly, etsy is useless.    

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Re: Third party plugins unable to sync orders, although Etsy has marked the issue as resolved

Should we disconnect the Integrations and try to reconnect them or await Etsy to fix the issue?

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Third party plugins unable to sync orders, although Etsy has marked the issue as resolved

I've tried to be patient, but the lack of communication and updates is difficult. A 2-minute update just saying "we're still looking into this" would go a really long way. Especially since it's now after business hours on the east coast. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Third party plugins unable to sync orders, although Etsy has marked the issue as resolved

This is why you can never rely on one selling channel... I'll take this as a good sign that I need to focus my efforts on my own store paired with proper marketing.

Etsy team - maybe issue an official update? And perhaps even notify buyers on the platform so they don't blame the sellers for the delays... 

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Re: Third party plugins unable to sync orders, although Etsy has marked the issue as resolved

Gooten is showing connected in my shop integration page, but it not even showing up on my Gooten dashboard anymore. Just completely disconnected. I'm afraid to touch anything in case it comes back up connected and synced. . . should I disconnect the integration in Etsy and try to reconnect? I think if I do everything will definitely be surely unlinked and unsynced.

Anyone have any luck with getting Gooten back intact?

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Conversation Maker

Re: Third party plugins unable to sync orders, although Etsy has marked the issue as resolved

Ship Station is soooooo dead.  

I can create a label from scratch, but that's a pain and not very time efficient.

Thank goodness for PirateShip.  They seem to have found a way to handle this really well!  

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