I have Three messages indicated on Messenger at the left column.. I click and it wants me to select some , 0r one .of my messages to move forward.
Something about admins needing to check something..
I don't wish to participate and looked to see how i could opt out I found no way out
Is this thing real or is it a scam.
05 31 2022
Hello! Kristen from Etsy here.
We recently identified a display issue in our messaging system. We apologize for the confusion. We are working on improving this feature for our members, and we plan to roll this out over the coming months once the experience is improved.
Thank you for your understanding.
i have a Messenger and Messages. Two total.. in a new one the messages are marked as unread..
What's this, Etsy?
Looks like a glitch, but it may affect a Star program..
There is a new Announcement at the top of the Forum Page (fr. Admin FidosFlower), re: changes to the SS Program.
One of those changes has to do with "bundling" multiple Messages from buyers.
In the Forum, there are several Threads where Sellers are having orange dots with numbers (looking like it's number of Messages).
I don't have the Orange Dot (Shop on Vacation); but in one of those Threads I posted what I have inside my Shop Manager.
(In the Left column, "Messages" and "Messenger").
I think this is tinkering/testing/fiddling about with these new changes. And possibly some glitching going on as well; I don't know.
so weird- I have 49 messages in the messenger thing? all have been answered...
Can any of you guys get to your messages? Mine are all gone.
My Shop is on Vacation, but when I go into Shop Manager and select "Messages" (on Left Side), my Messages are all there.
Another Seller was saying re: the orange dot, click onto the Messages to make the dot go away (even though you've read them).
I do not have the orange dot, but my Shop is on Vacation. So I don't know if that is why.
And I know that is a lot of dots to click onto for people.
Confusing and annoying. There's another thread on this with more info.
If you want the orange number to disappear, you have to click on each message with an orange dot.
A multitude of messages in Messenger at the left column. A response has already been sent to all of them. What the heck is going on?
Ha, and in addition to having 28 messages with a number, mine has a link to click to see their explanation of the new changes, and it takes me to a Google Slides page that says I don't have access. Live testing is fun.
Me too, I've just contacted 'support' who told me it was for my benifit and there was nothing wrong. I'm really annoyed - 'Leave us feedback' they said, then locked me out.
Same here. They ask for feedback and if there is any bugs in it. I can't leave feedback because I'm locked out of that page, and the orange number with the 8 in it won't go away. So yes, there is bugs in it.
Strange. I have the same thing also.
Very poor rollout of this feature.
Does nobody test these things before rolling it out ?
Agreed. I have the same thing. The new "messenger" shows all my previous replied to messages as "new". Wow.
Etsy support have told me to click on my 160 messages to mark them as read, but there are not any timescales on me doing this !
Thanks Etsy.
hi and yes a really stupid, I see a few of you saying you got hold of Etsy Support??? How? maybe it's a UK thing? because Etsy contact appears to be gone, certainly the old phone number for help is no longer active. ??? And besides that they are going out of their way to make even sending a message very difficult, wtf? especially when suddenly springing a (bad) change on us!
In the UK we have a live chat feature and they respond very quickly.
I assumed everyone had this !
My messenger screen has now gone, I think they have pulled the plug on it !
Hello! Kristen from Etsy here.
We recently identified a display issue in our messaging system. We apologize for the confusion. We are working on improving this feature for our members, and we plan to roll this out over the coming months once the experience is improved.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hello! Kristen from Etsy here.
We recently identified a display issue in our messaging system. We apologize for the confusion. We are working on improving this feature for our members, and we plan to roll this out over the coming months once the experience is improved.
Thank you for your understanding.