For a few months I've had the Star Seller badge. For a year prior to this, Etsy could not give me my star seller badge due to some kind of technical issues. However, this months I have better stats everything required I have but its says not star seller badge. This is clearly an accident again of some kind and knowing I have all the requirements I would like this fixed.
I sell patterns using the physical listing, I e-mail them, they are not instant downloads
It's the only way to legally list e-mailed files, otherwise customer pays vat on them, which they shouldn't
Etsy does not ding me for star seller
I sell it both ways, e-mailed with physical, and instant download
hardly anyone ever buys the instant download - many people don't like them. they prefer e-mailed files
I can't believe etsy would not have a timeframe for uploading custom digital items for the customer to access, but maybe they don't
I tick "other" for shipper
put "EMailed" underneath
nothing in the tracking box, I leave it blank
and mark as complete
I might as well sell it as an actual print, if I was going to pay to post something
The problem is the 'service' you are offering - against etsy TOS
@heavyistheheart wrote:The problem is the 'service' you are offering - against etsy TOS
Readings are allowed on etsy, as clearly stated in the Etsy house rules.
Divination-related items are allowed on Etsy if they meet our Seller Policy. Tarot, psychic, or other divination readings must include a tangible good, such as photos of the tarot spread, audio/video of a reading, or text of the reading. The tangible good may be delivered through Etsy Messages or email. Supplies related to spell work, such as herbs, crystals, and spell books, may be sold in their appropriate categories. However, spell supplies may not offer metaphysical outcomes, which we consider prohibited services (see below).
Her readings are sent via a custom digital download which is listed as made to order--100% allowed.
My shop is a service just as much as anyone else's. Please to don't comment on help forums being passive aggressive about someones hard work just because it's something you cant do. Thank you!
you are missing the message badge,
go to - customer service stats
then click on "LAST" review period
download the messages csv, and you will see which message etsy thinks you missed
Thank you so much! I will try and see if that works.
I am seeing the Speedy Replies badge and the Rave Reviews badge, it seems to be the shipping one that is missing, I presume because the items are digitally delivered?
you are corect, I saw the wrong badge
the digital downloads are made to order, so they have a time for delivery .... although I can only see the - same day info
As suggested above @BootifulLabels
Last time I looked digital item meant you would be excluded from the Star Seller programme. This is because Etsy stated that if you sold digital items, you would never be able to achieve the delivery badge, so could never get Star Seller.
Is this what you are referring to when you say above ?... Etsy could not give me my star seller badge due to some kind of technical issues
I mention this so as to clarify, this isn't a technical issue, it's how the program works.
they are not selling instant downloads,
they are selling made-to-order downloads, so they do have time to make and upload and mark as complete,
but I don't know how that is counted, they do offer same day service, so not sure how it's done
Clarification found in the FAQs of our Customer Service Stats page:
"shops who list their items as digital”instead of “physical” will still be eligible for a Star Seller badge since on-time dispatch & tracking will be reviewed on sales of physical items only. If you make a made-to-order digital item that is currently listed as “physical”, make sure to update the category so that you can be exempt from dispatch stats. Follow these step-by-step instructions to update your listing’s category."
that makes sense for instant downloads,
but if you do custom, you have to make it and upload it, and also mark it as complete, when it's done, so they can download it.
it can't be you are OK to leave it months before you upload and mark as complete..... maybe?
it doesn't seem right to me, but it is etsy!
@CraftyCornishMaids - from my understanding - selling digital files, means it isn't delivered in the way Etsy measures delivery for SS. So it impact the delivery on time badge ERGO potentially no Star Seller.
Etsy stated they were aware of this but wouldn't be looking to change the system to resolve.
So when this query has come up in the past, it was suggested that to qualify, you would need to send something in the post, using Etsy postage labels.
However, this is Etsy and may now have changed . We may be better to let another seller who also offers custom digital to help. It would also be good to hear how they resolved /or didn't too.
Not sure why you mentioned instant downloads to me ? - I didn't specify in my reply to the Op.
PS I didnt mention instant downloads in my reply above.
you don't need tracking for star seller
most of my items don't have tracking - none of my tea cosies I send to the UK
I only track those that go to USA - as they seem to expect it
This is interesting being they never told me that for a whole year. I was told it was an accident on Etsy's end why my shop keeps coming up as physical goods instead of digital. They said they would fix it and a year later it pops up on my page now its taken away for no reason.
@FallenAngelBrass thank you ! I knew someone would know or be able to find the info we needed
@CraftyCornishMaids I wasn't suggesting it was specific to postage tracking as such.
However thinking back I seem to remember the query originally came up because someone was creating digital listings using the physical listing template.
Any ways @FallenAngelBrass has kindly provided the relevant policy info - I couldn't find it when I looked.
So something that has occurred to me @AllSpiritualityInc you may just want to check that you are using the correct listing template when creating your custom items. Using the incorrect option could potentially impact your issue.
I sell patterns using the physical listing, I e-mail them, they are not instant downloads
It's the only way to legally list e-mailed files, otherwise customer pays vat on them, which they shouldn't
Etsy does not ding me for star seller
I sell it both ways, e-mailed with physical, and instant download
hardly anyone ever buys the instant download - many people don't like them. they prefer e-mailed files
I can't believe etsy would not have a timeframe for uploading custom digital items for the customer to access, but maybe they don't
@CraftyCornishMaids For the items using the physical listing template, do you send a confirmation in the post or can you just mark as complete ?
I tick "other" for shipper
put "EMailed" underneath
nothing in the tracking box, I leave it blank
and mark as complete
I might as well sell it as an actual print, if I was going to pay to post something
@CraftyCornishMaids many thanks .
the postal confirmation option was a make do solution suggested here in the forum, some time past . Hence why I mentioned it.
Since I last looked it does appear that Etsy may have resolved some of the issues in relation to digital files and SS.
As I remember the made to order digital sellers who are/were sending a receipt in the mail were creating their listings as physical not digital because they needed variations which are not available for digital.
As someone who sells made to order digital readings, I get the star seller badge every month. I simply do not have the tracking and delivery badge and get awarded star seller each month. So am not sure why you're not getting the badge.
Have you made at least 5 sales worth 300 USD?
@NoFrogsAllowed that is how I remember it too.
Looks like Etsy did make some changes after all.
Yes I made over $400. At this point I feel like im constantly being targeted while they take all my money.