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Sudden Removal of Etsy’s Pick Badges – Need Advice

Hi everyone,

I’m reaching out to see if anyone has experienced a similar issue. Recently, all 45-50 of my Etsy’s Pick badges were suddenly removed from my shop. This has now happened twice – the first time (last week), the badges were reinstated after a few days, but this time, they’re gone again.

When I contacted Etsy Support, I was initially told that my shop had a "policy violation," which wasn’t true. After further review, they admitted this wasn’t the case. I’m now convinced that a bot keeps flagging my shop incorrectly, and this might be why my Etsy’s Pick badges keep getting removed.

Since losing the badges, my views and sales have been cut in half. I’ve contacted Etsy Support multiple times, but my tickets are closed without resolution or explanation. I’ve been told the badges are system-generated and can’t be reinstated manually, but this doesn’t explain why all the badges disappeared at once twice now.

This is incredibly frustrating, as it’s severely impacting my business and I have no clear path forward.

  • Has anyone else experienced sudden removal of Etsy’s Pick badges?
  • Were you able to resolve the issue?
  • Any advice on escalating this, since emails and chat support haven’t been helpful?

I’d be so grateful for any insights or tips. Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,
Clémence – Atelier Intuitive

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Re: Sudden Removal of Etsy’s Pick Badges – Need Advice

No-one has a "right" to keep their Etsy Pick badges for ever.
Just be thankful you are lucky enough to have your products chosen as a Pick at all -- the over-whelming majority of sellers never get chosen

And yes, Etsy will change their Picks every now and again -- taking some away and adding others.
nothing you can do about it

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Sudden Removal of Etsy’s Pick Badges – Need Advice

Thank you for your input, but I believe there’s been a misunderstanding. I’m fully aware that Etsy’s Pick badges can fluctuate and that sellers don’t have a guaranteed “right” to keep them. However, in this case, all 45-50 of my badges disappeared suddenly, at once. This isn’t normal fluctuation; it seems more like a technical issue or a false flagging problem, especially since this has happened twice now.

I’m simply trying to understand what’s causing this so I can address it and avoid further disruptions to my shop. I appreciate your perspective, but this situation feels very different from the usual changes in Picks.

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Re: Sudden Removal of Etsy’s Pick Badges – Need Advice

Etsy's Pick badges just mean that your products have been included in their off-site ad sets.

So, they may get removed if:

If your conversion rate for sales drops

They change the ad set being used

Seasonal products may be included/excluded


I see different products of mine being selected for the ads at different times of year - it's beyond my control.



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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Sudden Removal of Etsy’s Pick Badges – Need Advice

Thank you, I really appreciate you sharing your experience. Out of curiosity, have you ever had all your Etsy’s Pick badges removed simultaneously?

In my case, the entire set of 45-50 badges disappeared at once, which doesn’t seem like the usual fluctuation. Additionally, when I contacted support, they initially said it was due to a policy violation, but later confirmed that my shop was clear of any issues. That’s why I believe this might be a technical problem or something else unusual.

Thanks again for your insights!

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Re: Sudden Removal of Etsy’s Pick Badges – Need Advice

TBH I don't pay any attention to them, so I've never noticed them all dropping off at the same time.

I can't see them unless I click into the product from my shop, so it's a bit "out of sight, out of mind"

I generally only realise when see a spike in traffic, LOADS of the product in peoples baskets or an increase in sales.

As it's out of my control, I don't give brain space to it.

(Although I do swear a bit when I realise I'm not making the full profit from the sales that the ads generate!)

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Sudden Removal of Etsy’s Pick Badges – Need Advice

I totally get the “out of sight, out of mind” mindset!

For me, it’s hard to ignore because almost all of my shop was "Etsy's Pick" so both times the badges disappeared, my views and favorites halved overnight. The first time, on November 30th, all the badges reappeared two days later, and my views went back to normal. I’m hoping the same happens this time, but I can’t help worrying about a potential technical issue.

Also, the support claiming a policy violation at first (then admitting it was a mistake) didn’t exactly inspire confidence!

Here’s hoping things resolve themselves soon! 

Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts

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Re: Sudden Removal of Etsy’s Pick Badges – Need Advice

I'm sorry that I can't offer a more helpful reply.

I totally understand the frustration of the drop in traffic though.

Right now, my confidence in Etsy's support team is at an all time low. Sadly, I'm not surprised that they're given you a muddled response for why the badges have been dropped.

If it was a genuine policy violation, I believe that you should have received some other communication about it.

If you didn't get that, I would take everything they say with a pinch of salt!

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Sudden Removal of Etsy’s Pick Badges – Need Advice


Support insists that my shop has a policy violation, but I can confirm this isn’t true. After reviewing my shop, I found that one of my listings was stolen and published on a Chinese website.

If this is the cause, it’s incredibly frustrating to be punished for being a victim of theft! Support keeps repeating that I lost my badges due to a removed listing, but I still have none and no clear answers.

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Re: Sudden Removal of Etsy’s Pick Badges – Need Advice

I'm sorry to hear that.

Luckily, there is lots of advice in the forums about reporting stolen images on Chinese sites - but I appreciate that doesn't help with the frustration or the issue in hand.

I hope you get your badges back.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Sudden Removal of Etsy’s Pick Badges – Need Advice

Thank you so much for your kindness and support! I also hope this issue will be resolved quickly.

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