Hello ,
Note for ETSY: A few times I have gone to create a label and cannot because one of the buyer's address lines the buyer has entered is too long. When sending items internationally you don't want to start moving parts of the address to other lines as you can't be confident of the correct format.
If the shipping system doesn't accept the address line because its too long, I don't understand how they are able to enter it in the first.
Any answers?
Stratford upon Avon
This is a fault of how Etsy have formatted their label printing programme -- and it has been complained about forever.
Etsy tends to try to force all addresses into a US_style formt --which simply does not work for many non_US addresses
If you enter the exact same address on another programme eg Pirateship, the address is accepted without problem
Stratford-upon-Avon is the town name and cannot be shortened or omitted
You can shorten the county name eg Warwickshire to Warwicks or even omit it altogether