Hi, my Star Seller stats are updated until 26th of September only (according to downloaded order history). But in dashboard it says that it is refreshed every 24 hours. What can I do about it? I am missing 9 of my orders which weren't counted in yet (shipped 27th - 29th). And everything depends on those to be counted to meet 95% criteria for on time shipping and tracking. Thank you in advance for your help. Gabriela
@LAUMIANstudio For the "Shipping On Time with Tracking" SSP Metric, Orders are assigned to the Month they are due to Ship, So, If your Processing Timeframe is 5+ Days and does not inculde weekends, then any Orders received after 24 Sept would not be due to Ship until October. Therefore, those Orders will not be calculated in the SSP CSV data until October, Many advise that Orders received on the last two days of the Month will not be included in SSP data, but this is not !100% correct. It all depends on the Processing Timeframe. This is purposfully set this way to ensure Sellers have the full Processing Timeframe to dispatch. It does not matter if you dispatch early. This will be reflected in the next Month's SSP CSV data.
Also remember that SSP CSV data is presented in UTC time, not a Shop's local timewhich could be many hours ahead of or behind UTC.
Never count on things that happen on the last 2 days of a month to apply to that month. They will be credited toward the next month. Star seller uses UTC, so it is already the 30th some places, besides it can take more than 24 hours to update.
Thank you for your reply. Well yes, don't count on last 2 days, but this is 4 days. Hopefully they will count in some orders tomorrow.
@LAUMIANstudio: "... 9 of my orders which weren't counted in yet ..." Often orders appear to be not counted until their scheduled to ship by date, regardless of when you actually shipped.
Ok, well that might be the issue, because there was labels created, physically shipped will be tomorrow I assume (using print providers). I see order on Etsy as Pre-Transit.
The last two days of September will not show for October. They will count for November.
Thank you. Well yes, don't count on last 2 days, but this is 4 days. Hopefully they will count in some orders tomorrow.
I often see lags between updates.
I'll get a 4-star review and want to see how it impacts my stats and the update is 2 or more days later.
Might be week-end, holiday, end of month, moon in Aquarius ... but I no longer expect consistently timely updates from Etsy. (I do keep a little spreadsheet so I can figure stuff out myself ... I'm a wee bit obsessive).
Moon in Aquarius :DDDD.. thank you for your reply! I still hope stats will be updated tomorrow and I won't lose my Star Seller because of 4 stupid digital orders without shipping number.
Love this “moon in Aquarius” lol! Yes, I definitely see the lack of update consistency too. I have yet to it out?
@LAUMIANstudio For the "Shipping On Time with Tracking" SSP Metric, Orders are assigned to the Month they are due to Ship, So, If your Processing Timeframe is 5+ Days and does not inculde weekends, then any Orders received after 24 Sept would not be due to Ship until October. Therefore, those Orders will not be calculated in the SSP CSV data until October, Many advise that Orders received on the last two days of the Month will not be included in SSP data, but this is not !100% correct. It all depends on the Processing Timeframe. This is purposfully set this way to ensure Sellers have the full Processing Timeframe to dispatch. It does not matter if you dispatch early. This will be reflected in the next Month's SSP CSV data.
Also remember that SSP CSV data is presented in UTC time, not a Shop's local timewhich could be many hours ahead of or behind UTC.
What? Really? What you say is 100% correct? My processing timeframe is 5-6 days (depends on product type) w/o weekends. In CSV data should be included everything untill 24th as you say, I can see data untill 26th included.
Never mind, so you think my stats won't be updated with all those orders after 26th and I am going to lose my Star Seller, even reality was different?
Can I do something about it? Can Etsy Support help somehow about it?
Thanks, G.
What? Really? What you say is 100% correct? My processing timeframe is 5-6 days (depends on product type) w/o weekends. In CSV data should be included everything untill 24th as you say, I can see data untill 26th included.
Never mind, so you think my stats won't be updated with all those orders after 26th and I am going to lose my Star Seller, even reality was different?
Can I do something about it? Can Etsy Support help somehow about it?
Thanks, G.
@LAUMIANstudio This is just how SSP works. I do not believe there is any way to "beat the system"
Processing Timeframe of 5-6 days will put Orders into the next Month.
Orders are assigned to the Month they are due to Ship.
It is the same with Messaging. You get the full 24 Hours to reply, so Messages received will move to the next Month if your 24 hours allow this.
Etsy looks at the orders ship by date, so if it was due to ship in October, it won't be counted until October
Thank you