I have been selling for just over 3 months and meeting star Seller criteria on everything. They just gave me all but one of my badges at the first of the month, my speedy replies badge,and it even says my speedy replies are 100% this period,and for the previous period it says 100% too (being the 3 month period from just after I started being the beginning of July, through August,and September, up to October 1st, 3 months). I have been keeping track, I earned the badge, those scores are accurate, they are above the necessary criteria. Why did they mess up and not give me this one remaining badge that I really was counting on to go with the other two to get my Star Seller Badge that I earned, but am being screwed out of right now, and I can't find out why, nobody can tell me, and I can't get it fixed. What am I supposed to do?
I wouldn't worry about the star seller. Your shop is full of infringements unless you have permission to use celebrities names.
Star seller is the least of your worries.
"Robert Smith, lead singer of The Cure, has engaged in litigation in an attempt to tackle unauthorised third parties selling The Cure counterfeit merchandise."
One or more infringement notifications and you won't have to worry about stars.
If you started selling during July you would not have been eliglible for the badges just awarded. It has to be 90 days or more from the date of your first sale on the assessment day (1st of the month after that 3 month assessment period). If your first sale was in July you would not be eligible till the October badges are awarded on the start of November.
Also, as others have said, Star Seller is the least of your worries, you can't use celebrity images, likenesses or names without purchasing a license and most will not grant licenses to online sellers, as they have their own merchandising partners.
still got the badges though, so how did the shop get their badges?