I am a new shop and am counting on getting a star seller for this holiday season. I had been corresponding with a buyer. Her last independent message to me (sent separate from our original messaging back and forth) was a "thank you" after I provided local delivery. I did not respond to this as I thought it would have been part of the original messaging we had done and would have been redundant for our in person interaction. Now my response rate is 50% from just this one message! How do I go about fixing this? Also, does anyone else feel it is unfair to have $300 minimum sales? For some people this can be accomplished in just a few sales, for others we need many transactions. Etsy sure doesn't support new businesses and seems to just help grow bigger companies.
You must reply to all new messages. It’s automated. Everything you need to know about star seller is on your dashboard. There are a zillion other threads to read about SS. You’ll get a lot of snark now as most of us are sick of talking about it. Welcome. Lol.
You must reply to all new messages. It’s automated. Everything you need to know about star seller is on your dashboard. There are a zillion other threads to read about SS. You’ll get a lot of snark now as most of us are sick of talking about it. Welcome. Lol.