There's a bug with Star Seller Badges being removed since the new Customer Service Stats came into effect at the start of October.
I've had my Star Seller badge for around 4 months and ALL my stats for the previous period remain above the minimum requirements for Star seller.
However, I noticed that I no longer have the badge since the start of Oct.
I downloaded the .csv files which show 100% on messages and 100% on shipping times and my average review score for the period is 4.9.
I have already raised this issue on the Support chat, but I'm desperate to get this resolved, especially as it's the start of Q4.
Can somebody please look into this as a matter of urgency as I'm sure I'm not the only seller affected.
No, it will not say ships from the UK. You already have your listings connected to your POD companies and their location. Changing your location will not affect that.
Ah right - That was my initial reason for setting the location as US as I didn't want my UK customers thinking the items would be shipped within the UK.
Thanks for your help.
I've just changed my store location.
Hopefully it won't have a negative effect on my sales.
Hello, I am experiencing the same problem. Since October 4th, my Star Seller badge has mysteriously disappeared. On October 4th, when I spoke with customer service, they checked every detail, and despite meeting all the Star Seller standards, they confirmed that my badge disappeared due to some sort of system error. They mentioned that it was caused by a bug, and that the engineering team was working on it. However, since October 4th, I haven’t been able to reach customer service, and the issue still hasn’t been resolved...
@MuCreativeSolutions: Based on various posts in this forum, support does not always seem to have access to all of the information required to fully answer a question.
We can only speculate on Etsy's reasoning, but they clearly state "To become a Star Seller, your shop must also comply with all of Etsy’s policies" and it is possible that the listings which appear to infringe on other people's Intellectual Property might be a reason.
I've had issues with this for years. My badges and star seller rating, when I meet their jump through the hoop $300 ( not all the time being a small hobby seller) rarely show up. The link to share the star seller status NEVER shows up either. "known issue; working on it" is the only response I've ever gotten. If you have something someone wants, they'll buy it. Tired of all this "little gold stars" on a chart like we're in pre school stuff. IMHO star seller is a waste of time and hurts small sellers. Don't fret over it.