I open my shop less than 12 hours ago and already three spam emails all saying the same thing: someone purchased something and payment did not go through put in your credit card, I did not. Is everyone getting these all the time? Is this what it’s like to have a shop on Etsy now?
Etsy is actively engaged in preventing scammers from targeting our community members. If you receive a suspicious message, please proceed with caution. Etsy Support will never ask you to provide personal information via Etsy Messages, such as your email address or password. Any legitimate message from us will show in your "From Etsy" folder.
If you receive a suspicious message, here’s how to report it:
You’ll find examples of common scammer techniques and phishing messages here in our Help Center. Read our Account Security Checklist in the Seller Handbook for more steps you can take to protect your account.
Etsy has put effort into stopping the spammer scammers, but they find ways to get around it. They target new shops specifically. Older shops seldom get spam.
If you recognize them as spam, mark them as such. It is no different that the daily spam/scams I get on my email, phone, website, etc. Internet scams have increased by over 50% all over the web, it got really bad during the pandemic. The only way to stop them is for people not to fall for it. As long as there is easy money to be made, spammers and scammers continue.
Etsy is actively engaged in preventing scammers from targeting our community members. If you receive a suspicious message, please proceed with caution. Etsy Support will never ask you to provide personal information via Etsy Messages, such as your email address or password. Any legitimate message from us will show in your "From Etsy" folder.
If you receive a suspicious message, here’s how to report it:
You’ll find examples of common scammer techniques and phishing messages here in our Help Center. Read our Account Security Checklist in the Seller Handbook for more steps you can take to protect your account.
Things to read:
If you receive an actual order, you will see it in your "Orders and Shipping" section and you will receive an email from Etsy notifying you that you have a sale, and there will be a notification in your dashboard as well.
@TheBakersFeed: Fortunately you recognized the Messages as spam / scam attempts. New shops are targets and particularly incomplete ones (no location, about, policies, etc) like yours are even more inviting to the scammers.
Good job not falling prey to them by clicking the links they provide.
Lots of great advice here in the Forums about how to de-rail the spammers efforts.
Best of luck.