Shop window is not changeable

Does anyone here also have this problem? If I re-sort the shop window and then save it, then the old shop window is still in it as soon as I go to the shop.
Sometimes it works when I try 7, 8, 9.... times plus manually rearrange articles, but there is no regularity in it. Umpteen times it doesn't work and sometimes it does, but most of the time the shop window stays as it is until I get up to try again...
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3 Replies

Re: Shop window is not changeable

@DistelfinkDesigns  - What a gorgeous shop!


I see your shop in "most recent" sort, right now.  That is the typical default.  Sometimes Etsy will show it in "relevancy" sort, whatever that could be at any moment.  The exception would be if a Seller chooses "Custom" sort - which sounds like you are trying to do, but I'm not seeing that now.

Have you been successful in doing this in the past, and can't right now?  Because it doesn't seem to be saving your changes.

I haven't done this in a while myself, so hopefully others will offer more suggestions.  It's always possible it's an Etsy glitch, if you are doing everything you are supposed to, and it's not working now!

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Re: Shop window is not changeable

Yes, this problem does occur with various different changes to shop appearance. Just try making the changes once and waiting. Results may not be displayed as quickly as one might expect.

For example, recently Etsy auto-turned on the feature listings panel on my shop and I wasted an hour trying to turn it off. Eventually I got the changes to take but I wasn't surprised that it took so long because I have this problem whenever I try to change banner, or thumbnail image or other shop appearance things.

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Re: Shop window is not changeable


* The OP in that thread from a week ago has their shop showing as "Custom" now - so see what is in that thread to hopefully find a solution!

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