I'm using my mother's account because mine was suspended.
I'm a long time seller and had very successful shop for 13 years, made a huge volume of sales. I had to close my previous shop because I changed the country. I had only 5 stars reviews for 13 years, star seller. Didn't have open cases or outstanding balance. It's no longer active.
I opened my new shop LisaPortraits a few days ago. I provided them with all my legal and tax information, ID was verified. Etsy still hadn't asked me for Bank verification (and never did) when I made a sale and my shop was suspended within hours. I sell custom portraits, entirely hand painted. I have not violated their policies, I don't have any outstanding balance. Both my sisters and my brother have successful shops and they've been using the same IP address periodically. They have no problems with their shops, except that one of them is not currently able to verify change in surname due to divorce (ID card was not enough, she needs her divorce decision translated too). Sisters sell paintings and my brother- vintage.
My full legal name and name on card, bank account is the same.
I also gave my UTR number as Sole trader in the UK.
I appealed their decision and my appeal was denied the next day, saying that it's final decision due to multiple risk factors which they can't disclose.
Any further messages and attempts to contact them will be ignored and so they do.
The banner in my dashboard is still saying that my appeal is being received and waiting for response, no matter that I received email from Etsy about their decision being final.
I have no idea why this happened to me, as I said- I haven't violated their policies. I'm really concerned about this and don't know what to do.
I paid the Setup fee and listings fees. I'm going to contact Better Business bureau, CFPB and other authorities.
Why? There isn’t much they can do if you have broken one of Etsy’s rules and I’m sure they can find one you, or anyone, have broken. If you are posting from your mother’s account then it is closed also. Unfortunately it’s Etsy’s rules so they can do a lot of things we don’t agree with.
It looks like the shop you are posting from is also closed, there is a profile showing but no shop. I don’t really have much help to give you, once Etsy closes a shop it almost always stays closed. If it was just suspended then there might be something you could do but I’m afraid yours is gone.
What is the name of your shop and the shops other family members have? Posting from your mother’s closed shop doesn’t help us see what might have been wrong with yours. It is possible for Etsy to close all shops that could be attached with yours. I hope it gets figured out.
My mother decided to close her shop on her own. It wasn't suspended.
Mine is LisaPortraits.
My sister's- GalleryArtSunday
My brother- GeorgeVintageUK
The other sister - I don't remember
Request a call back, also give them the information regarding your old history on Etsy.
Seems they are using a credit agency in the UK when you open a shop for ID verification, if you have been out of the country too long, they will have no history and just declare that you do not exist (even if you are British, hold a British Passport and were born in the UK)
AI have a lot to answer for, it is a shame they can not be held accountable for the numerous mistakes, loss of time & money they cause
On a side note: numerous people using the same IP with different names and shops could also have caused an issue
I came to the UK a few months ago to meet an accountant, make utr, open a bank account for Etsy....
And to make everything "by the book".
Ignore that, and reply with the subject line "Appeal- I Still Need Help."
Usually, the first 2 or 3 responses are bot generated (including one that may say their decision is final), and it probably hasn't even been seen by a person yet. They do this to try to discourage having to do anything, hoping you will just give up and go away. Just keep responding in the same email thread until you feel like a person has looked at your information.
It is important to keep it in the same email thread and not open a new email thread, or they will automatically close the one that is already open, then kick you to the end of the line to start over with the canned responses.
Thank you! Just did it.
Since all of you are/were using the same IP, and your sister/s was/were selling portraits also, it makes me think that they decided your shop was just a duplicate of the other one, because you too were trying to sell portraits.
They aren't going to go to your house to check just how many different people are using that IP, so from Etsy's point of view it looks like someone was trying to open a new shop to sell the same product they are already selling in another, which is not allowed here.
Simply put: same IP, same product, expect problems.