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Searching within a category - you can't

I tried searching for a specific book title, Report From Iron Mountain, and as usual got lots of other stuff.  (Adding vintage brought up a bunch of cast iron frying pans.)  So I used the category list and selected Books assuming it would enable me to narrow the search.  Wrong!  If I use the search bar again, I get the same original pile of irrelevant stuff.  The Book page meanwhile shows subcategories and blurbs about the types of books, Etsy picks, all kinds of arty things, but none of them allowing a search for a specific book.  What use is the category filter??  Once again, Etsy search insists that what we really want to do is browse aimlessly, even when we know exactly what we want.

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17 Replies

Re: Searching within a category - you can't

Well, Etsy thinks they know what you want.  Have you tried searching that title and the word "book"?

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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

* yeah, I tried that - there's a whole Lotta stuff!

Not seeing that book in your shop - how do you know it's even listed on etsy?

*  Google it

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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

@PillowDetails  Yup, tried that--didn't help.  It just decides you might want any book it throws your way.

It's not in my shop.  I was looking to see if there are any listed.

I avoid Google like the plague, but I did do a general web search.  It appears that there aren't any on Etsy, but it shouldn't be that hard to find that out.  Why have to look through pages of miscellaneous stuff to see if  what you want is or isn't there?  Very frustrating!

I'm still laughing at the frying pans.  Nice guess, AI!

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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

Correct. Search changed sometime in the last 3 months or so to not include a category filter. There is no way to search for anything specific on here. The only luck I have had is using at least 5 words to search. If you are searching for, say, a vintage red sweater, that should come up first, not red yarn, and mugs with sweaters and goodness know what else. No good reason or logic for it. None. 

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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

My vintage store items failed to show up in specific search terms starting on the first week in 2023. Its not gotten any better.


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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

@NickiesNest  - If you start off by using Categories, first go to books. When the page updates, click on the photo 'books'. Next go to the All Filters link. Do not use the search bar or as you've found it basically brings you right back to the starting line.
The all filters option will then give you an array of sub-categories to choose from. Once you opt for one of those hit 'apply'.
After the page updates the all filters options will change & you can select vintage, location, sort by price, etc.

However, there is no way to enter a book title &/or author. This is where you can try the search bar.
I tried & yes, the book title shows me as many skillets as books.
You can try to get really specific & enter the book title & author. However, this could also lead to even more irrelevant results besides the listings that somehow relate to "iron", "mountains" or "reports"  since there's more individual words that search can pick up on. 
Etsy's search cannot take words typed into the search bar into context nor will it look at your term as the one thing you are looking for.

As a side note, when searching for stuff, you can try using the search bar.
Or you can select Categories & then go into all filters. No, it doesn't seem to make sense that filters are available when you haven't entered a search term into the search bar, but.....
Either way, there is never a guarantee that you will get a full array of filters - sub categories, etc. - to use. One word in a typed in search term can change the filter options you see. Example "brooch" versus "pin" when thinking about jewelry. 

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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

I don't see buyers going to that much trouble to find things. They'll go elsewhere. 

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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

Most likely because no one on Etsy has the book.  Etsy does not have everything.

Amazon has a paperback edition of the book for sale.  A secret government report....that earned a smile from me.

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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

The point is not whether they have the book, the point is that there is no simple way to search within a category.  This title was just an example. I know I can find it elsewhere, including eBay very easily. "Very easily" is the point.  If you don't have it, so say, don't show me frying pans.


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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

The buying app thankfully still has the option to filter search results by category (for now anyway), and I really hate that the category filter search option was removed from the web browser version. It makes finding what I am looking for with regards to jewelry supplies tedious at times. : /

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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

Using a laptop/chrome if I go to Categories, choose Craft Supplies & Tools, then immediately go to All Filters I have the ability to use all the sub-categories. But this only works for my most generic search term "vintage garden tool". I can get to "gardening tools".

If I want to get more specific and search for "garden shears", "sprayers", etc. etc. I am forced to use the search bar. If I do that, since the changes Etsy made, I no longer have the ability to filter down to "gardening tools". So using "shears" as an example I have to browse thru scissors, hair trimmers, pinking shears, etc. 

I'm not an app user for various reasons. But seeing as ecommerce does appear to be heading in the direction of the majority using their phone for anything & everything, if a wider range of filters is available that might be a reason to give a short round of applause, lol. 

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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

Must be Another Test. Searching by Category option went missing Months ago. I Noticed Last week Categories reappeared & has been moved to upper Left side of page; next to Etsy [Click onto Tab] Categories.

Having Categories Options Tab back does make Search easier some faster; Search still shows other items Not looking for. then you wonder Why are those items appearing in the search terms you used to find what your looking for.  Search Ex: Jewelry box & So Kitchen utensils appear? What???, Why??? Hummm Somethings Wonky.

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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

It amazes me that these features aren't tested before they get implemented.

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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

@pHBalancedPainting - They ARE being tested...on us!

People tend to forget, or just do not realize, that Etsy is now (and has been for some time) a "tech company"...not a retail sales company. Which means we are all guinea pigs in their data collection constant testing!

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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

I really need to narrow down a search and not being able to search by category is ridiculous! Why do they keep making search WORSE? Hey Etsy some people are looking for really SPECIFIC things, not just browsing for random things for someone when they don't know what to buy them. Why can't we have fancy gift guides AND advanced search? With the ability to use "" and - to narrow things down. It's so frustrating.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Searching within a category - you can't

I am really frustrated by not being able to search for something specific within a category. Their subcategories are too broad and limited. I’m not going to look through thousands of items in a broad category to find what I’m looking for. This is crazy. They have lost me as a customer for that reason. I will look elsewhere. When they make searching within a category available again I’ll come back. 

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Re: Searching within a category - you can't

I feel this has lost many a lot of sales. Perhaps the reason behind so many recent "why have my sales tanked suddenly" comments. I know I've purchased elsewhere because Etsy has made it to difficult to find what I want. 

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