Shop page numbers are sometimes missing

If I click on a live internal link that displays a different view of my shop on a single page, the page numbers are gone when I return to the main shop home.
Examples - The section link in my announcement is less than one page. If I click on that, then on All from the left menu, the shop home is displayed but the page numbers are gone.
Same thing with the search link for Necklace in my first listing. When I click on x to exit the search, the shop home is displayed but the page numbers are gone.

An F5 refresh or Ctrl+F5 hard refresh normally restores the page numbers.

The page numbers do not disappear when I click on a link with multiple pages.
Examples - My 2nd listing, red books, has a link to a shop section with 2 pages & my 3rd listing, blue book, has a search link for Book that returns 2 pages. The page numbers are present once I return to home after clicking on them.

Windows 10 desktop. The problem occurs with Chrome, Firefox and MS Edge.

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