Hello, it appears my shop is not indexed as it is not appearing on any search results
You need to contact Etsy and tell them so.
We are only other sellers here.
It did check your listings in your shop, and they appear to be indexed.
You need to contact Etsy and tell them so.
We are only other sellers here.
It did check your listings in your shop, and they appear to be indexed.
Okay, I’ll contact them. Thank you
I also checked your shop and listings and, as PlatypusDream said, they are indexed. No need to contact Support.
When you search your shop, use the drop down menu where is says ''find shop names containing....'' and click that. If you just clicked the search icon, it will bring up almost every listing related to Gallery, Room and Shop, no matter how vague. Although, on that general search page you can also click ''Did you mean the shop TheGalleryRoomShop?''