My shop has somehow gone,
Someone logged into my account from Ohio, USA
I changed my password - and asked etsy what format my mobile phone number should be for 2 step authentication
they thought about it for a couple of days, and have come back and said to reset my password again, which I have done, and everything was fine until about an hour ago
then I have an e-mail saying
An Etsy admin has unlinked the bank account connected to your Etsy shop, CraftyCornishMaids.
so I tried to go back in, to re-authorise, and I get the "uh oh", so basically, I don't exist
it looks like I am a buyer only account, my shop has gone
not sure even how long I can post in the forums.
I have replied to the "unlinked bank account" e-maail,
but any suggestions are welcome
@cindylouwho2 or @FancyTogs or @Spellbinderie not sure if you have anyideas
... edited to add, I "was" CraftyCornishMaids" - I seem to be now just a username
Sorry to see this has happened to you CraftyCornishMaids:( I don't have any words of wisdom, but it does seem like your shop got hacked somehow? I hope everything gets sorted out soon for you, by Etsy, and there's not too many hoops for you to jump through to get it back!
What in the devil; I'm so sorry this happened to you! I hope this is OK, but I'm going to at Admin ampersay. Something has to be done to help you.
@ampersay Can you please help the OP (CraftyCornishMaids). She's always very helpful to the Community and is in trouble. It's disturbing.
Thank You.
Wow! So sorry to hear this has happened to you @CraftyCornishMaids (I started typing "CraftyCornishMaids" and "hdthomas1" popped up with your icon). I hope they get this resolved very soon!
Absolutely incredible! Waiting on tender hooks to see what Etsy says, does, etc. This could happen to any of us!
This is horrible!! I hope this gets sorted out and as said above check your bank account to make sure it's all okay.
my bank account looks fine atm, thank you
Sorry this happened to you but glad you were prepared for it. Good lesson for all of us.
Hope it gets resolved for you and you get your CraftyCornishMaids back.
Absolutely unacceptable that you have to wait for an email. I would venture to say you’d be hard pressed to find a company other than Etsy to handle this so shabbily. I’m very sorry.
aaaw, this is terrible. actually made me teary. wow.
Don't get teary please,
I had my deposit Monday, and only had 1 sale when my shop went, and I have the address for that (even if I don't get the money)
so that's not a worry for me, it's just very annoying .... and quite a worry they never know what they are doing
@CraftyCornishMaids Oh Heather, I have just caught up with your thread and would like to say I am just as horrified as everyone else at what has happened to your Shop.
It is really most odd. As you would know, having much more experience than most of us with Etsy and all its' foibles and failures, what has occurred does not follow any "known" pattern.
That your CCM Shop disappeared and was replaced by this "Buyer" only account is quite inexplicable, especially as you are still able to post in Forums as a "Buyer".
I am wondering if the actions taken by some Etsy "Bot" or "Boffin" were actually just co-incidental to your email re 2 factor authentication? The change seems just too quick for anyone at Etsy to have manually completed this action as a consequence of your email.
To remove all Payment Methods usually just results in a Shop which cannot sell, not the reversion of the Shop to a Buyer Only Account.
Just out of interest, was the original name of your Shop hdthomas1?
I am thinking that, perhaps, Etsy was working on the Ohio Log In issue and, instead of closing that account for inappropriate action, someone has incorrectly actioned your Account?
This is a prime example of a time when a Seller should be able to discuss the situation directly with an "up the chain" Etsy Rep as it clearly falls beyond the scope of the "first level" responders we are forced to deal with these days.
FWIW I would put my money on someone at Etsy making a huge error when dealing with the Ohio log in issue. This situation is one we have never seen resultant of the removal (however temporary) of Payment Methods and it seems to defy all proceses as we understand them. That is why I am thinking that "human error" which overrode / muddled the automated process is to blame. Clearly "something is rotten in the state of Etsy"
So sorry you are dealing with this! I hope whatever Etsy is doing was necessary for you protection and your shop restored soon! And that they simply faile to communicate that to you! Holding out hope that they email you recieve will make all that clear! Come on Etsy!
my gosh this is awful, and downright unacceptable on Etsy's part! They really do not give a sh!t about people's livelihoods, just knee-jerk moves taking stuff out of commission to save their own butt. Sounds like something was triggered by your notifying them, it's my personal vibe that Etsy's been dealing with a lot of hackers lately. Still, something like this should have an emergency response team, not 'someone will email you'. UGH
I'm so sorry, this is truly horrifying.
Just... no words. I am glad you are busy at AH so this is not the 'end of all things' for you. This is a good reminder for all of us to keep up our other venues. Hoping this gets resolved sooner rather than later.
Oh no!! im so sorry this has happened to you , and sounds like Etsy have made it worse rather than trying to sort it out for you, i really hope this gets resolved soon, when i saw you little Hedge Hog i was going to tag you to tell you someone was using your picture, until i started reading your post, good luck getting your original account back very very soon, just goes to show though this can happen to anyone (sad face )
Wow how awful. Each day Etsy never cease to amaze me and frequently not in a good way.
I've just downloaded a csv of my listings, which I haven't done since I can't remember when. As a vintage seller there's hours of research into those descriptions like hallmarks on silver, silversmiths, assay office, year assayed this all takes time, and definitely don't want to do it all again, for whatever reason.
It often takes an unfortunate incident to remember the things we should be doing more regularly.
Customer service triumphs again! I shake my head.
Hope Etsy can sort this out for stressful! If you do manage to get things back make sure that you use 2 factor authentication - I use google authenticator now for just about any login, but there are several others. I have noticed however that Etsy logs me straight in with a password most times and they don't ask for my 2 factor authentication ....even though I set it up on Etsy.
That is what I was trying to do,
I changed everything,
then logged a call to ask for the format, should a mobile phone starting 0751 be
+44751, or 0440751 or ????
then I had an e-mail from trust and safety, asking me questions .... nothing which isn't widely available, as I have my name, address, and e-mail address in sellers details anyway,
they also asked the city I logged in from, .... we have dynamic ip addressing, so I let them know the normal one, but recently it's been a place in scotland, so I let them know that too..... then an hour later my shop went
However, I must admit, I've never seen an account do this before!
Oh heck no! I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I hope you get it fixed but we all know these things are complicated and Etsy is slow to respond. I'm currently on vacation but now it's got me wondering if I should back up my listings in case I can't activate my shop again when I want to come back. Best of luck to you.
Oh no! So sorry to hear this Heather. Sounds like you were hacked. Not the first time I've heard something like this happening and it can take weeks for Etsy to return the shop to the seller. Unbelievable. I don't think you can do a thing, you're at their mercy. Please update us when you can.
Just caught up with this - god that’s awful! So sorry this is happening to you. Hope you can get it sorted ASAP. Very disturbing to see how badly Etsy are handling this…. Xx
No one ever seems to say how "well" Etsy handles things do they?
It goes from one debacle to another.
So sorry you are going through this. Etsy’s incompetence beggars belief.
OK so,
I went to bed rather late,
This morning I have the e-mail I was promised, it came at 2.15am my time
It says everything is hunky dory and back working, the email was a bit longer, but the crux was.....
At this time, it seems that you've successfully recovered your Etsy account after completing the password reset process detailed in our "Reset Your Password" email. I have now fully reinstated your shop account.
As you can see, that is wildly optimistic
I changed my deposits from monthly to weekly, when etsy said they were "shipping over 100 IT experiments a month", so I had my Monday deposit, and I have only had 1 sale since then, so in the scheme of things, this time of year is the least disruptive
I checked my bank on a different laptop, and it appears to be fine
It's odd, because I have my account, just not my shop
and I don't quite understand here, why they have put my username , and have called me a community curator - seems I have my own badge
I would be surprised if they get back to my last e-mail this morning, until they wake up again in the states
Thank you for all your support, I'll keep you updated
(....... and I was going to do my taxes on Friday - just as well I do cash based accounting, as I can get away with the bank statements for deposits to my account - but if I did accrual accounting, or was a USA shop, I would be well and truly mucked up, as I have no access to anything)