I had 94% for Star seller for shipping with tracking. (I accidentally left some numbers off tracking one one order). I have shipped 2 more orders with tracking on time….but the 94% is still at 94%. Don’t I get credit for shipping more on time with tracking???
You need 19 orders completed correctly to overcome 1 completed incorrectly.
You only have 3 days to edit a tracking number.
Not unless you go back an enter the tracking number on that one order.
But it says you can still make Star seller with 95%. How come I messed up one tracking number and get sent down to 94%? And have shipped 2 more orders since then but don’t get any credit for it?
If you use Etsy labels, you won't have that problem.
So I have to buy the labels from Etsy in order to be in Star Seller? I’ve made Star Seller before with no problem.
You do not need to use Etsy labels. You just need to make sure that you're entering the tracking numbers correctly. That is done automatically if you use Etsy labels, or if you purchase elsewhere with an Etsy integration (PirateShip, ShipStation, etc.)
You need 19 orders completed correctly to overcome 1 completed incorrectly.
No, you don't need to use etsy labels, but math is what determines it. Adding 2 more correct orders won't overcome that one.
If you just left part of the number off, go back and correct that tracking number. I have over 7,000 reviews, then I got one where a customer gave me 1 star on 4 or 5 items on the same order. My percentage remained at 86% for months before it finally corrected itself. And I get multiple orders daily, mostly 5 stars. The whole Star Seller program is scr*ewed in my opinion.
You only have 3 days to edit a tracking number.