Scam alert received on the eve of 9/11

I just received the message below at 11:49 pm PST in the U.S., so perhaps many of you have as well?  The name and email address have been deleted so that no identifiable information appears in the forum.

They are asking me to email me which is one of the flags for recognizing spam.  See many of the red flags here that @bradgoodell kindly put together:

My guess is that that their plan is for me/sellers to either grant access to them so they can access computer remotely in order to steal all my/our personal information and/or get access to my/our shop(s) so they can overtake it, or have me/us take part in some sort of dropshipping or fraudulent tracking scheme. 

If you receive the same message and are fairly new to Etsy, to report it as spam (as I did), just click on the three vertical dots above the message and then the spam message.  Then click on the Spam folder on the left to be sure that you see it there.  If you are a star seller and do not report it as spam, you will lose your star seller status if you do not respond to it within 24 hours, and it is best practice to never respond to a spam message.  (See Etsy's policy about spam in the Seller's Handbook.)

This is the message I received: 

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7 Replies

Re: Scam alert received on the eve of 9/11

I don't see what 9/11 has to do with it!  

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Re: Scam alert received on the eve of 9/11

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Re: Scam alert received on the eve of 9/11

I have received a message asking for access to my computer and internet connection (!) in exchange for $100/week. Right away, I considered it spam--but what to do about it, other than report it? They have my email address.

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Community Maker

Re: Scam alert received on the eve of 9/11

That one is asking you to be complicit in committing fraud.  The account is in your name, so if you readily give access and accept money for it and they use your account for fraud, you are guilty too.

Imagine the payday the scammers are expecting if they are willing to pay for it.  

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Re: Scam alert received on the eve of 9/11

This is a scam going around.  Etsy has posted about scams and protecting.

9/11 might see an increase because of the date but not likely as I am not seeing any big events planned for this day.   

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Re: Scam alert received on the eve of 9/11

Please disregard the reference to 9/11.  It was more of a personal thing due to when the spam message was received.

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Re: Scam alert received on the eve of 9/11

@StitchRoundabout  Thank You for sharing this.  These idiots have become an infestation.  I'm glad you shut them down.

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