Never had this problem, I've got a new bank card but my account is still the same so shouldn't be the issue.
If it's delayed does it just eventually come in? Received other payments from other merchants today With no issue.
Thank you
Much of Britain came to a standstill on Monday for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. The government declared the day an official holiday to allow people to pay their respects, meaning that all banks, the London Stock Exchange (LSE), public offices and most businesses were shut.
* Other venues you received funds from may not be UK-based - not sure why you got transfers if they are.
US and UK alike, there is often a lag between Etsy depositing your funds and your bank clearing the deposit and recording it. With my bank, it's usually 24 hours.
You are in UK and it was Bank Holiday on Monday because of the funeral. Etsy sends the funds on Monday as scheduled but because banks are closed we'll get it most probably on Tuesday. This happens every Bank Holiday
Thank you. Didn't even think about the bank holiday. Had other funds come in from elsewhere so didn't twig.
You're in the UK, so you know yesterday was a Bank Holiday due to Her Majesty's funeral it will be in your account today.