I'm running a sale in my shop, but it's not showing to viewers until they click on the actual listing. So it's not obvious the items are on sale. Seems like a bug that needs to be fixed.
I've tried deleting and restarting the sale and it's still not showing. I'm unable to get in contact with Etsy any way, does anyone have an email address to contact them.
I have the same problem, my sale is showing when I log in on my computer, but the etsy app does not show the sale instead it shows eligible for free shipping, haven't heard from Etsy
Are you sure you set up a sale and not a coupon code? When I add an item to my cart I can see you have at least 1 active coupon.
Yes, I'm having a sale on enamel pins. I was planning on having a bigger sale, but pointless if the sale prices aren't being shown unfortunately.
I just set up a sale and posted it Via Etsy's link and it's not showing. Wow.
@NanaLetha I can see 3 items on sale. It's showing in her Sale category.
When you look at my main page do you see that the items are on sale? For me they are not appearing "on sale" or showing sale prices until I click on the actual item page.
@LaurenSumnerPotteryI'm seeing the same thing you are. I have to click on the item to see the sale price.
Yes, I have the same issue. I set up a sale on all items but you can only see the sale when you click on the item.
My issue is the sale showing up when logged into my computer but the Etsy app doesn't show the 20% off only show eligible for free shipping ?
@SimplyCreateinc - I see a 50% off sale on only 1 of your listings.
We've had this same issue for the past couple of weeks. We start a sale, and while the majority of the listings will display the discounted price, dozens don't. Thus far, the only thing that works for us is to go back in and save the sale a second time, and sometimes a third or fourth time. We don't actually have to edit the included listings, we're just resaving.
We've alerted Etsy Support about this, but have yet to hear whether anything is being done to resolve the issue.
Thanks! Yes it seems like many people are having this issue. I've tried contacting Etsy support many times and so far no luck
I read in another forum that if you use Safari instead of Chrome to set the Sale, it works. I was using Chrome previously so I tried it using Safari and I think it worked!
Thanks, I tried this and it didn't work unfortunately
bumping in the off chance someone from Etsy will see this. I've reported multiple times via chat, Instagram DMs and each time I'm told it will be reported as "escalated" to Etsy technical team but I've heard no response for days
I had the same issue in both of my Etsy stores. I simply ran another sale with the same discount and included the same listings and this seems to do the trick. It looks like the second sale worked for the rest of my listings that were left out in the first one. Now all of them are showing the sale price.
Thanks, I've tried this many time and still not working. I guess I'll try some more....
Yes, I have the same issue. I set up a sale on all items but you can only see the sale when you click on the item.
I'm having the same issue
Same issue.
This has been an issue for over a year. If you’re running a sale, the only way to fix the price display issue is to go back into your sale, select edit listings, do nothing, and then hit save. That typically fixes it.
Also, if you ever edit any listing prices using the bulk edit screen, you may experience the same pricing display glitch. In this case, your only safe bet is to go into and edit an individual listing—one at a time. You can’t use bulk edit for anything without risking some sort of display issue
It’s really sad / frustrating that this problem has continued to be an issue for over a year now.
Thank you for this fix - I had the same problem in both my shops, and that fixed it.
Indeed, very frustrating that this has been going on for so long.
Thanks - I'll try this next time I run a sale. This is the first time I've had this issue with sales this year