I have perfect response rates for all of my messages, usually it is nothing 30min to 2 hours. I've never missed that deadline. I had a spammer message me to try and sell me services, makes them as reported, but it still shows that I did not respond.. this is the first time I have not got star seller in some time! And it's not cool to be penalized for scam activity. Has anyone else had this problem?
Did you mark the message as spam, or report it to Etsy some other way? The SS system only recognises the mark as spam option on the message list. If you didn't actually send the message to spam, try doing that now and it should adjust for next month's badge, but unfortunately it will not affect this month's badge.
Did you mark the message as spam, or report it to Etsy some other way? The SS system only recognises the mark as spam option on the message list. If you didn't actually send the message to spam, try doing that now and it should adjust for next month's badge, but unfortunately it will not affect this month's badge.
I did mark it as spam, I cannot see the massage in my inbox any more. I also marked it as spam pretty much right away
You weren’t dinged for not responding to spam messages, you were dinged for not responding at all. You could have responded with please do not send any more messages, or simply put it in the spam folder. You need to do one or the other with all new messages.
I did mark this message as spam, I am well aware of how etsy calculates response time. I did not respond to the message, just simply report as spam, and the message dissapeared. I cant even find it now.
Don't report the message - mark it as spam.
The same thing happened to me. I never missed a message to a client EVER! I ignored the spam and lost my star rating. When I complained to Etsy about it they basically said that they can't differentiate between a spam message and a real one so it is up to the shops to mark them as spam. So, I did that. I marked the message as spam and the same spammer continues to message me several times a week. Marking the message as spam has done nothing to stop the harassment.
This is taking up time and energy and Etsy gave me the same response.... my responsibility to mark the message as spam.
Not good enough Etsy. Please eliminate the spammers and restore seller ratings, confidence and security for our shops.